Home & Garden Pest Control

How to Prevent Bed Bugs - Make Sure You Sleep Tight

For those of you fortunate enough never to have had an infestation of bed bugs and want to keep it that way this article is for you! Bed bugs are horrid little creatures who will hide out in you bedroom and bedding during the day and come out to feed of your blood as you sleep.
The result for those who may have an allergic reaction to the bites are uncomfortable, itchy rashes or welts all over their body.
If you are unlucky enough to have an infestation there is the cost and hassle of dealing with the problem.
They are not always easy to eradicate and it may be necessary to call in expert exterminators which can cost in the region of $1000 or more! The only way to avoid all this unpleasantness is to know how to prevent bed bugs getting into your home.
Here are a couple of simple tips on how to prevent these bugs infiltrating your home.
Where possible do not take used furniture into your home, it is certainly very unwise to take old furniture which you may fine out on the street or in skips.
If you purchase used furniture check it and clean it thoroughly.
As a precaution I would use some non toxic spray before taking it inside the house.
If you travel regularly for business or pleasure ALWAYS check the bed and bedding for signs of bugs.
If bugs are presents you will notice dark faecal marks and blood spots on the linen and mattress.
Check closets and drawers before you unpack these little pests can travel quite a distance and will end up going home with you in your clothing if not detected.
Possibly more important is knowing how to prevent bugs reappearing after and infestation has been treated, so here are three key tips.
Good housekeeping - by checking bedding and mattresses regularly and vacuum regularly you should be able to spot any problems quickly and prevent bed bugs multiplying and spreading.
If you have cracks and gaps in walls and floors where the bugs were make sure they are filled properly reduce hiding places.
To protect your box spring and mattress it is worth while investing in bed bug proof encasements which will cover the box spring and mattress of your bed.
This is a great solution for older beds which may have holes in the fabric of the mattress or box spring etc.
where the bed bugs could get inside and which were difficult to treat.
Put one of these on and the bugs cannot get out and will eventually die.
Such bug proof coverings are also a good investment if you have purchased a new bed because it will act as a barrier and prevent bed bugs getting in.

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