Pest Control : Home & Garden

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Mites - Summer's Worst Enemy and How to Get Rid of Them

Mites - Summer's Worst Enemy and How to Get Rid of Them

Unfortunately, folks who guess they have termites are regularly rejected by the medical community as "outrageous". Organic pest control companies recognize that an individual explaining the torment and horror of oozing lesions on your skin and sensations of bugs gnawing at and crawling und
Remove the annoying pests invading your living space with the Pest Control Perth

Remove the annoying pests invading your living space with the Pest Control Perth

The one question that has always been on everyone's mind is that can an average house owner handle the pest control problem.
Controlling Pests that Pester You. Part 8: Bed Bugs

Controlling Pests that Pester You. Part 8: Bed Bugs

Our survey showed that bed bugs are among the top pests that invade homes. Learn about these biting pests, bed bug behaviors and bed bug control.
Lice dog- caution, cure and treatment

Lice dog- caution, cure and treatment

The kind of lice dog gets is different from the human lice. But it is irritating, and leads to severe itching and other allergies in dogs. The kind of lice feeding on dog blood prefers unclean hair. U
Controlling Lawn Pests with Organic Methods, Part One

Controlling Lawn Pests with Organic Methods, Part One

A beautiful lawn that is as easy on the eyes and barefeet as it is on the environment is a matter of planning and follow-through. This article identifies some common insect pests that plague lawns and suggests organic control methods.
Clothes Moth Repellents

Clothes Moth Repellents

The majority of moth repellents that are available on the market at the moment are sprays that are originally intended to repel bats who have a similar inclination towards dark, damp areas. Whilst the
Make Use of Termite Bait System to Prevent Attack of Termites on Your House

Make Use of Termite Bait System to Prevent Attack of Termites on Your House

Prevention is better than cure. The statement holds true for the fight against termites as well. A preventive approach to termite management will save your expensive furniture from any type of attack.
Effective Means of Mice Control and Prevention

Effective Means of Mice Control and Prevention

The house mouse or mus musculus is one of the most upsetting pests in the economy of the United States. They live and reproduce under diverse conditions inside and around the farms and houses. House mice eat foods that are usually consumed by humans and pets.
Avoid Mold Growth In the Winter

Avoid Mold Growth In the Winter

Mold can be found in the usual places in the winter, such as the bathroom and showers. However, it is also likely to be found when there is a cool outside wall in a closet or storage room where the air does not circulate.
Beware of The Killer Swarm

Beware of The Killer Swarm

Many people are frightened by insects. The reasons for their fears are varied. Some of them are frightened because of how insects look, of where they come from, and because they are aware that some insects can hurt them. Like other people, I also have fears for certain insects, especially fire ants.
Killing Bed Bugs the Right Way, Right Away!

Killing Bed Bugs the Right Way, Right Away!

"Sleep tight, do not let the bed bugs bite." This was what your parents told you as you were being tucked to bed when you were a little kid. You thought it was just a silly childhood rhyme. But bed bugs are real - even if you have grown up. They are parasitic lice that feed on human blood
How to Catch a Pest With a Trap

How to Catch a Pest With a Trap

This article will let you know how to trap small animals by investing little to no effort. After you have gone through this short post, you may have learnt an easy way to get a trap, set it up, and catch the target animal to make your house safer. Read on.
History of Bed Bugs Infestations

History of Bed Bugs Infestations

Before the World War II, bed bug infestations were very common in the Americas. Native indians even have native Indian remedies to get rid of bed bugs. With the improvement in hygiene, the native indi
Silverfish Insect - How to Get Rid of Silverfish Bugs

Silverfish Insect - How to Get Rid of Silverfish Bugs

Silverfish insects can be very hard to eradicate from your home. Discover how to get rid of silverfish naturally and permanently, without the use of chemicals or pesticides.
What to look for when hiring a pest control Portland area company

What to look for when hiring a pest control Portland area company

There are so many Pest Control Portland Oregon services that you can choose from; however, not all of them provides the best services.
Get Rid of Household Pests

Get Rid of Household Pests

Have some pesky varmints in your house? Let's review how to determine what type of pest you have and where they are entering your home. Then find a few tips and tricks to send those pests packing!
Even Pest Control Technicians Battle Fleas When They Have Pets

Even Pest Control Technicians Battle Fleas When They Have Pets

As a former pest control technician I learned how to treat for fleas in the home. The treatment part isn't hard - the tough part is moving furniture around so you can treat the areas where fleas live. I fight fleas every summer. I have three dogs, two small, and one large, that attract fleas li
Termite Tenting Revealed

Termite Tenting Revealed

Termite tenting can be fairly costly so you want to find out all you can before you decide to go ahead. This method is frequently employed where infestation is widespread instead of being found in one particular place. The process requires protecting the subject construction or building with a tent
Wildlife Control Services Help Keep the Critters Away

Wildlife Control Services Help Keep the Critters Away

Wildlife control services are a great option for anyone who finds themselves dealing with unwanted creatures. Contrary to what some may believe, these critters don't have to be tolerated.
Don't Bring Bed Bugs Home to Your Family

Don't Bring Bed Bugs Home to Your Family

Bed bugs are one of the top travel concerns of 2010. Bed bug populations are spreading and rising across the world. Learn how to prevent bed bugs by protecting your luggage, bedding, and clothing. Protect your family from the infamous bed bug infestation!