Pest Control : Home & Garden

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How to Check for Termites!

How to Check for Termites!

Termites are probably one of the nastiest pests you can deal with and if you know for a fact that your house is prone to them, it is highly recommended to perform checks every once in a while! The time and effort you will invest in checking periodically is way less than what you will have to put in
How to Get Rid of Garter Snakes

How to Get Rid of Garter Snakes

Garter snakes like to live in warm climates, such as a garden. So be careful when you go out to your garden. Garter snakes are not poisonous, but they will most likely scare you half to death, and they are a bother. Here are some ways to get rid of them.
What Are Some Natural Pest Control Methods?

What Are Some Natural Pest Control Methods?

There are many different natural pest control methods that you can try. Many of them are fun and enjoyable for you and your family. After all, the reason you want that beautiful lawn and garden is so that you can enjoy spending time in it.
Protect Your Family From Bed Bug Infestation

Protect Your Family From Bed Bug Infestation

The problem of how to get rid of bed bugs has become so widespread in 21st century America that The Journal of the American Medical Association published a report in 2009 which said that "transmission of more than 40 human diseases has been attributed to bed bugs" although actual evidence
Looking for Termite Treatment in Orange County?

Looking for Termite Treatment in Orange County?

When a home is invaded by bugs or termites, some believe that they can treat the problem on their own. However, proper termite treatment requires professional knowledge and skills.
Control House Centipedes, 5 Facts You Need to Know About Centipedes!

Control House Centipedes, 5 Facts You Need to Know About Centipedes!

Centipedes move into your home because they like the environment. And the only way to get rid of them is to change the environment so that it's not longer centipede friendly. But that can seem very hard to do! Are you wondering what makes my house so centipede friendly? Well these 5 facts about
Easy Methods to Get Rid of Roaches in Your Home

Easy Methods to Get Rid of Roaches in Your Home

Roaches are disgusting nuisance that could cause havoc in any house. They are deadly looking bugs that adore moist and dark areas of your house. It is possible that they survive in any crack and could appear out of nowhere. Everyone hates the sight of these crawlers and it is embarrassing to have th
Home Protection: Common Household Pests to Watch For

Home Protection: Common Household Pests to Watch For

Even though no homeowner would like to admit it, every home has its share of creepy crawlies and pests.
April Showers Bring May ... Pests

April Showers Bring May ... Pests

April is National Pest Management Month, celebrating the control of pests and the control and prevention of the disease and damage they can cause.
Silverfish Traps - 3 Great Ways to Kill This Insidious Pest

Silverfish Traps - 3 Great Ways to Kill This Insidious Pest

Silverfish traps are a great way to kill silverfish and control their populations. Used properly and in conjunction with other methods, you can even wipe out an entire home silverfish population and make sure they never come back.
Termite Inspection Fraud

Termite Inspection Fraud

Times are tough and most people believe that they are going to become a great deal tougher. This is bad news for the general public. There are enough scams going around at any one time as it is, but it gets worse when people begin to feel the pinch. Some of the costliest frauds are in the constructi
How to Conduct Squirrel Removal

How to Conduct Squirrel Removal

If you live in the country you probably know what it's like to have wildlife sneak into your home. You start hearing strange noises in your wall. The next thing you know your face to face wit
Is There a Good Squirrel Proof Bird Feeder?

Is There a Good Squirrel Proof Bird Feeder?

If you have ever sat in your backyard to watch the birds eat out of your bird feeder but instead saw only squirrels attacking your food, then you know how frustrating it can be. You bought the food for the birds, yet the ravenous squirrels not only scare the birds away but also steal all their food.
Role of Pest control solutions

Role of Pest control solutions

Pest control solutions play vital role in providing public health and safety. There are many method that can control pest growth and make the environment fresh and hygienic.
Get Rid of Mice With Peppermint Oil?

Get Rid of Mice With Peppermint Oil?

Getting rid of mice can be a tall task for the ill informed. Before you spend hundreds on a professional exterminator, give this home remedy a try. Get rid of mice with peppermint oil.
Pest Control - Eliminating and Exterminating Pests and Insects Through Efficient and Safe Techniques

Pest Control - Eliminating and Exterminating Pests and Insects Through Efficient and Safe Techniques

Summary: Safe and effective pest elimination services are possible from an experienced pest control company that has worked in various types of venues to include hotels, universities, work-place offices, apartment buildings, homes, and more. With innovative tools, techniques and skill used by a trai
Bedbugs - A Growing Problem

Bedbugs - A Growing Problem

Abercrombie and Fitch had to close a second store recently due to an infestation of bedbugs. New York City put them in touch with the Health Department after they asked for help and pledged their cooperation, but basically they're on their own, says the City. In fact, we're all on our own
Bed Bugs Rash Found

Bed Bugs Rash Found

From few past years bed bugs have become the epidemic in major part of the country in US. People are suffering a lot due to their bites and develops a rash due to it. It has become our prime moto to k
Most Suitable Pest Control in an Organic Vegetable Garden

Most Suitable Pest Control in an Organic Vegetable Garden

Pest control in the natural/ organic garden is more straightforward than when using potentially harmful chemical pesticides. The goal is to keep pest insects form eating all of our veggies and that&am
Fly Misting Systems Are the Best Solution for Flying Insects

Fly Misting Systems Are the Best Solution for Flying Insects

Fly misting systems are highly customizable. Nozzles are discreetly positioned so that whatever your conditions may be, optimal placement of the misting nozzles will ensure the best result.