Bed Bug Bites - Shocking Facts and Details About Bed Bug
Spreading like wild fire bed bugs are the tiny parasites that live by sucking your blood.
These cunning insects have spread into almost every big city of world and due to rising temperature and changing lifestyle they are finding our homes easy place to reside.
The worst thing to know about them is that they are so fast that most often they remain undetectable to normal eye.
These annoying bugs can multiply in exceedingly high rate, one survey showed that within one week they were spread in ten kilometer area quite easily.
This new resurgence of these bugs is often associated with the climate change and rise in the temperatures in most major cities.
These bugs are attracted to the Carbon dioxide that we breathe out, so they can detect the sleeping pray based on the body temperature and the air quite easily.
Similarly these creatures remain hidden as most of the attacks of bedbugs happen during night while you are trying to sleep, as result there is often the sleep deprivation and skin rashes that might follow quite easily.
One tiny egg of bed bug can be reason to start an infestation quite easily.
These are often transferring by the luggage or furniture transfer.
This is the reason most of the furniture purchases new or old should be done with utmost care.
The furniture should be inspected and even fumigated before taking home to avoid these bugs.
The bed bugs can survive the extreme temperatures quite easily.
They have adapted to the cold climate like Alaska too.
One bedbug can reproduce almost 500 times during its life, almost five or six eggs per day.
These bugs are trained vampires; they pierce the skin with their sharp teeth and inject their saliva that contains the harmful skin infections.
These bugs can live without eating for full year, so even though they might not be showing themselves, just a single bug can start the whole cycle again.
These cunning insects have spread into almost every big city of world and due to rising temperature and changing lifestyle they are finding our homes easy place to reside.
The worst thing to know about them is that they are so fast that most often they remain undetectable to normal eye.
These annoying bugs can multiply in exceedingly high rate, one survey showed that within one week they were spread in ten kilometer area quite easily.
This new resurgence of these bugs is often associated with the climate change and rise in the temperatures in most major cities.
These bugs are attracted to the Carbon dioxide that we breathe out, so they can detect the sleeping pray based on the body temperature and the air quite easily.
Similarly these creatures remain hidden as most of the attacks of bedbugs happen during night while you are trying to sleep, as result there is often the sleep deprivation and skin rashes that might follow quite easily.
One tiny egg of bed bug can be reason to start an infestation quite easily.
These are often transferring by the luggage or furniture transfer.
This is the reason most of the furniture purchases new or old should be done with utmost care.
The furniture should be inspected and even fumigated before taking home to avoid these bugs.
The bed bugs can survive the extreme temperatures quite easily.
They have adapted to the cold climate like Alaska too.
One bedbug can reproduce almost 500 times during its life, almost five or six eggs per day.
These bugs are trained vampires; they pierce the skin with their sharp teeth and inject their saliva that contains the harmful skin infections.
These bugs can live without eating for full year, so even though they might not be showing themselves, just a single bug can start the whole cycle again.