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How to Naturally Get Rid of Bed Bugs - Are College Students at Risk of Getting Bed Bugs?

When parents get ready to send their kids off to college and they see news reports of bed bugs all over the country they begin to worry.
Many people that want to know how to naturally get rid of bed bugs also want to know if their college students are at risk of getting these little monsters.
The answer is unfortunately is yes they are very much at risk of having an infestation in their dorm and of bring the little creatures back home to you! First take a look at the way most colleges have their dorm accommodations set up.
The students all move in at the same time for the start of the year or semester.
Most of the time they are assigned a room mate that they do not know.
In most cases the room was occupied by students the last semester and they have just moved out.
If there is any maintenance done it is paint, flooring or major repairs.
Probably very little house keeping or sanitizing is done beyond the necessary vacuuming.
This is Bed Bug Heaven! Here is how this works.
Let's call this dorm room "A" The bed bugs have been feeding on the last students until they left.
Those students took some of the bugs with them when they went home or on to the next college dorm room that they move into.
Now there are bed bugs in probably four new locations - two students go home first then to new dorm rooms (dorms "B" & "C").
They leave some these blood suckers at home with mom & dad; kids love to share the good stuff.
Then they move on to the next dorm and take the bugs there also.
No wonder Bedbugs are spreading so fast.
Back to dorm "A" Now the new students move into the dorm that was just vacated by our other students.
They did not bring any bugs with them since they are first year students and straight from home.
They do not need to bring the bugs with; they are already there waiting for their new food source and they are hungry.
Remember the previous students moved out a few days to a couple weeks ago so these little monsters will be close to 10 days without food in many cases and ready for their next meal.
That meal unfortunately is the new students.
The students move into dorm room "A"; they are new to college so they are unsure of what to do.
They discover they have bites all over them in a day or two.
They have made some friends; these friends are also new and want to help their friends out so they say "Come stay with us until we figure out what is biting you".
Now the bed bugs are in dorm rooms "D" & "E".
Most students do not want their peers to view them as having bug problems so many will not say anything to others until it is too late.
Imagine this little scenario happening with multiple dorm rooms and multiple students on multiple campuses across the country and you can see why bed bugs are spreading so fast.
Many colleges are now working to educate students about these bugs and their control.
Check with the college to see what plans they have in place for their dorms.

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