Termite Inspection Fraud
Times are tough and most people believe that they are going to become a great deal tougher.
This is bad news for the general public.
There are enough scams going around at any one time as it is, but it gets worse when people begin to feel the pinch.
Some of the costliest frauds are in the construction and home improvement market.
Termite inspection falls into this category as does termite inspection fraud and termite inspection fraud is on the increase.
So it best to be acquainted with what to be on the look out for, if scammers come calling.
One of the first things to be wary of is if the pest inspector just turns up at your door, doing 'free termite checks in your area for this week only'.
Just as you are advised to do with any cold caller, demand to see his identity card and then ring his agency.
This is not a guarantee that the inspector is on the level, but at least you have tried something.
If he does not have any ID, do not let him in.
Send him on his way and ring the police.
If the pest inspector passes this test and you let him in, make certain that you know how much the inspection will cost, before he starts.
Watch as he carries out his assessment.
Be on the look out for 'seeding', ie the planting of evidence.
If he produces some flying termites' wings or some live termites, be sure that he did not bring them with him If the examination reveals termite damage, make sure that it really is termite damage.
If you have never seen any termite damage before, you could be tricked into believing that dry or wet rot was caused by termites.
If you are unconvinced, stall or phone a friend to come over and give you a second opinion.
If you do not know anyone, phone a well-known local builder.
Another termite scam is in the swapping of the chemicals and / or insecticides they use.
This is not easy for the lay person to pick up on, but try to find out which chemicals, insecticides or fumigating gas they say they are going to use and then check up on the products on the Internet or have a friend on hand who would recognize the difference between a cheap copy and the real thing.
If the chemicals that your professional uses are substandard, then it might not eradicate all the termites, leaving your property open to re-infestation.
Keep one of the tins to check up later, if you are still not satisfied.
Make certain you get a warranty and endeavour to get an insurance-backed warranty.
Follow up any phone numbers or web site details.
If you think that you have been a target of termite fraud, get in touch with the police and report as many details as you can to the local authorities as well.
If you do nothing, the con men have won, if you do something, you may get reimbursement or compensation and you may stop someone else being cheated.
This is bad news for the general public.
There are enough scams going around at any one time as it is, but it gets worse when people begin to feel the pinch.
Some of the costliest frauds are in the construction and home improvement market.
Termite inspection falls into this category as does termite inspection fraud and termite inspection fraud is on the increase.
So it best to be acquainted with what to be on the look out for, if scammers come calling.
One of the first things to be wary of is if the pest inspector just turns up at your door, doing 'free termite checks in your area for this week only'.
Just as you are advised to do with any cold caller, demand to see his identity card and then ring his agency.
This is not a guarantee that the inspector is on the level, but at least you have tried something.
If he does not have any ID, do not let him in.
Send him on his way and ring the police.
If the pest inspector passes this test and you let him in, make certain that you know how much the inspection will cost, before he starts.
Watch as he carries out his assessment.
Be on the look out for 'seeding', ie the planting of evidence.
If he produces some flying termites' wings or some live termites, be sure that he did not bring them with him If the examination reveals termite damage, make sure that it really is termite damage.
If you have never seen any termite damage before, you could be tricked into believing that dry or wet rot was caused by termites.
If you are unconvinced, stall or phone a friend to come over and give you a second opinion.
If you do not know anyone, phone a well-known local builder.
Another termite scam is in the swapping of the chemicals and / or insecticides they use.
This is not easy for the lay person to pick up on, but try to find out which chemicals, insecticides or fumigating gas they say they are going to use and then check up on the products on the Internet or have a friend on hand who would recognize the difference between a cheap copy and the real thing.
If the chemicals that your professional uses are substandard, then it might not eradicate all the termites, leaving your property open to re-infestation.
Keep one of the tins to check up later, if you are still not satisfied.
Make certain you get a warranty and endeavour to get an insurance-backed warranty.
Follow up any phone numbers or web site details.
If you think that you have been a target of termite fraud, get in touch with the police and report as many details as you can to the local authorities as well.
If you do nothing, the con men have won, if you do something, you may get reimbursement or compensation and you may stop someone else being cheated.