Silverfish Traps - 3 Great Ways to Kill This Insidious Pest
Silverfish traps are a great way to kill silverfish and control their populations.
Used properly and in conjunction with other methods, you can even wipe out an entire home silverfish population and make sure they never come back.
Below are three great ways that you can use silverfish traps to easily and quickly ensnare your prey.
Method 1 - Sticky Insect Traps Have you ever seen the standard trap for killing insects? They are made of cardboard and their interior is sticky.
Insects are attracted to the traps but as soon as they try to eat the sticky material they become trapped and unable to free themselves.
It usually does not take long for them to die where they are.
These traps are not the best thing for catching silverfish.
The problem is that the bait is aimed at all insects so they are not really a favourite of silverfish and you'll find that many of these pests simply won't take the bait.
Luckily, there are better alternatives, using either pesticides or natural means.
Method 2 - Boric Acid Traps Boric acid can be used against, not just silverfish, but also ants too.
But for some reason, silverfish seem to love these traps.
They are also made of cardboard but this time they are coated with boric acid.
Boric acid is considered safe for home use but when silverfish quickly die after munching the cardboard and ingesting the acid.
With these traps, the silverfish may not actually be "trapped" i.
However, you will find them dead nearby so you can see that this type of trap is highly effective.
Personally, I don't think these are safe to use around children and pets.
There is some evidence to suggest that boric acid can be harmful if exposed to repeatedly over a period of time.
Method 3 - Home Made Traps If you want to go natural then this is for you.
Simply take a jar and wrap masking tape around the outside.
Then put some carbohydrate based bait in the jar.
The tape gives the silverfish something to climb but they won't be able to get out later because these insects cannot climb smooth vertical surfaces.
There is simply nothing for them to grip onto.
Going Beyond Traps Traps are just one method of killing silverfish.
Alone, it is possible to get rid of a silverfish extermination but you have to be extremely lucky.
Usually, you must use traps and a few other simple measures to get rid of these critters.
Used properly and in conjunction with other methods, you can even wipe out an entire home silverfish population and make sure they never come back.
Below are three great ways that you can use silverfish traps to easily and quickly ensnare your prey.
Method 1 - Sticky Insect Traps Have you ever seen the standard trap for killing insects? They are made of cardboard and their interior is sticky.
Insects are attracted to the traps but as soon as they try to eat the sticky material they become trapped and unable to free themselves.
It usually does not take long for them to die where they are.
These traps are not the best thing for catching silverfish.
The problem is that the bait is aimed at all insects so they are not really a favourite of silverfish and you'll find that many of these pests simply won't take the bait.
Luckily, there are better alternatives, using either pesticides or natural means.
Method 2 - Boric Acid Traps Boric acid can be used against, not just silverfish, but also ants too.
But for some reason, silverfish seem to love these traps.
They are also made of cardboard but this time they are coated with boric acid.
Boric acid is considered safe for home use but when silverfish quickly die after munching the cardboard and ingesting the acid.
With these traps, the silverfish may not actually be "trapped" i.
However, you will find them dead nearby so you can see that this type of trap is highly effective.
Personally, I don't think these are safe to use around children and pets.
There is some evidence to suggest that boric acid can be harmful if exposed to repeatedly over a period of time.
Method 3 - Home Made Traps If you want to go natural then this is for you.
Simply take a jar and wrap masking tape around the outside.
Then put some carbohydrate based bait in the jar.
The tape gives the silverfish something to climb but they won't be able to get out later because these insects cannot climb smooth vertical surfaces.
There is simply nothing for them to grip onto.
Going Beyond Traps Traps are just one method of killing silverfish.
Alone, it is possible to get rid of a silverfish extermination but you have to be extremely lucky.
Usually, you must use traps and a few other simple measures to get rid of these critters.