Pest Control : Home & Garden

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Signs of Roach Infestation

Signs of Roach Infestation

Cockroaches have been around for 400 million years. There are 57 known species in the United States but the most common type - Blatella germanica - lives in kitchens and bathrooms.
Different Items That Need Bed Bug Control

Different Items That Need Bed Bug Control

When it comes to bed bug control, pest control specialists know just what to do. They will investigate several different areas to determine if these are the critters causing the problem.
Ant Pest Controls - When All Else Fails

Ant Pest Controls - When All Else Fails

For true ant control, it is important that you call in the professionals to handle it. Even if you prefer to use natural methods to treat the ants, the professionals are the best way to go.
Rat or mouse? Yes, there is a Difference!

Rat or mouse? Yes, there is a Difference!

One of the most common household problems can be a mouse or a rat infestation. Rats and mice are rodents that belong to the largest mammalian family, Muroidea with more than 1,300 species. While many
Be Extra Careful When You Are Dealing With Bees

Be Extra Careful When You Are Dealing With Bees

Bee removal is dangerous and should not be tried by those inexperienced in the process. It can lead to more disastrous results if left unheeded.
Why The Need To Get Rid Of Ticks

Why The Need To Get Rid Of Ticks

If you live along the east coast of Australia, the probability is you've noticed quite a few ticks in your time. The Paralysis Tick is the most common and problematic tick in this area and looking at their tiny size, these ticks can certainly pack a punch as doctors and veterinary surgeons can
How to Recognize Termite Damage

How to Recognize Termite Damage

Do you think you have a termite infestation? Read more about assessing termite damage here...
How To Kill Stink Bugs - Employing a "Scorched Earth Policy"

How To Kill Stink Bugs - Employing a "Scorched Earth Policy"

Mankind's quest to eradicate the threat of stink bugs may end up following a "scorched earth policy" - that is, if the government has its way. The instrument to thwart the rise of the stink bugs? Wasps.
Critter Control Requires a Professional

Critter Control Requires a Professional

What's that sound? It's a squirrel or, worse yet, a rat in the ceiling or wall. They come inside in the winter. If they like it, they will be there year after year destroying your home. Now is the time to call a critter removal and control service.
Preventing Termites is Better Than Repairing Their Damages

Preventing Termites is Better Than Repairing Their Damages

This article suggests various ways and means of keeping your homes safe from termites. It also offers advice on the remedial measures that can be undertaken in case the house is infested with termites.
Things You Must Know About Bed Bug Spray

Things You Must Know About Bed Bug Spray

The Bed Bug Spray can ensure the safe alternate to the harsh chemical treatments you find in the market these days. There are some natural products which solve infestation for longer time quite easily. Reading the small print and details on the pack is great idea as it always carries useful informat
Pest Control Services Once a Year

Pest Control Services Once a Year

Are you tired of continuously cleaning and doing preventive maintenance to avoid that pesky cockroach from roaming your residence? Or maybe you are standing on the top of your couch screaming at the top of your lungs right now because a little mouse just scurried across your path. There are of cours
Bed Bug Cat

Bed Bug Cat

this articles will let you know about how cats condition on bitten by various pets and how they suffers a lot due to infestation of these pests.
Hiring a Pest Control Company

Hiring a Pest Control Company

When you consider hiring a pest control company, it is a good practice to keep these top 7 things in mind. 1. All Pest Control Companies are NOT the same...
Household Pests - Have a Battle Plan

Household Pests - Have a Battle Plan

Are those ants, cockroaches or other pests slowly staging a hostile takeover of your kitchen? As with any battle, you have to know your enemy to annihilate them successfully. Here are some simple basic facts about them so you may to arrest their invasion and banish them completely from your control
Understand DIY and Its Relation with Pest Controls

Understand DIY and Its Relation with Pest Controls

Pests can be very annoying at times. They eat off your produce and leave your stores empty. It is important that you have the right pest control products at hand in order to deal with such problems in
Stay Clear of Cockroach Invasion

Stay Clear of Cockroach Invasion

Cockroaches are very common in older homes, where they can be found lurking and crawling all over the place. However, even new homes can be a haven for cockroaches. But one need not worry about being overrun with roaches, since there are ways to stop cockroaches from bugging you.
5 Top Tips to Buy Pest Control Products

5 Top Tips to Buy Pest Control Products

To buy pest control products you will have to identify the offending insect and then match your product to your needs. It is also important to keep in mind considerations like any known allergies to such products, ill health among residents and appropriate safety gear to go with your task.
Tallahassee Pest Control

Tallahassee Pest Control

The hot and humid climate attracts many adventure-seekers to its beaches. The warm subtropical climate also invites many pests such as cockroaches and termites.
Clothes Moth Removal Treatments

Clothes Moth Removal Treatments

There are various different moth repellents and moth protection products currently on the market to assist in the dealing with clothes moths and the prevention of infestations. One of the most popular is mothballs which are small balls of chemical pesticide used alongside clothing and other fabric h