Home & Garden Pest Control

How to Conduct Squirrel Removal

If you live in the country you probably know what it's like to have wildlife sneak into your home. You start hearing strange noises in your wall. The next thing you know your face to face with some kind of critter, maybe a squirrel, who is just as upset as you, which makes the situation more dangerous. However, there is a proper and humane way to conduct squirrel removal from your home without harming the animal.

 The most common place to find squirrels in your home is the attic. Mother squirrels may often nest there when they are pregnant and have their babies. Squirrels are more active in the day time. So, if you hear scampering and scurrying coming from your ceiling during the day odds are you're dealing with a squirrel. In time they will cause damage, for example, chew on wires. Of course, they leave squirrel droppings all over the place and this is a health hazard.

 So, how do you get rid of the problem? The best way to do so humanely is with cage traps, but not the lethal traps that will crush or choke the animal to death. There are 3 types of common traps used when trying to remove squirrels without harm. One is the single animal live cage trap. These traps are most often made of metal and how it works is the squirrel is lured into the trap by food. There is a trip pan in the back of the cage. When the squirrel steps on the trip pan, the door shuts and they are not able to get out.

 Another trap is called the repeating live cage trap. It's important to close off any entrances and exits the squirrels are using. All except one. That way when the squirrel leaves for food it has no choice but to walk into this trap. These kind of traps are made to hold many squirrels at once. It has a one way door that lets the squirrel in, but then it can't get back out again.

 One-way exclusion door is another option. The trap is open on one end. It is equipped with a spring loaded one-way door. The squirrel squeezes out, but cannot get back in.

 These are some of the best known humane ways to get rid of squirrels. You could try repellents, but most of the time they don't work. And poisons are such a painful death for the animal. Another downfall to poison is the squirrel dies in your attic and then when the body decomposes your left with an awful smell. If it's a mother squirrel it's even worse because then her babies are left to die and you have even more of an awful smell and the hassle of finding and removing dead squirrels. That just doesn't sound like fun.

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