Cleaning & Laundry : Home & Garden

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How to Get Grease Out of Jeans

How to Get Grease Out of Jeans

Grease stains can seem like a permanent problem when they've latched on to your jeans. But if you avoid setting the stain, and use the right cleaners, it doesn't have to be. Repeated regular washing without pre-treating the stain can cause a permanent problem. High heat like that f
How to Reset a Vita Spa High Limit Sensor

How to Reset a Vita Spa High Limit Sensor

If the water temperature inside a Vita spa heats up to 112 degrees Fahrenheit or above, the high limit sensor is activated. The control panel will display "HILI" to indicate that the sensor has been triggered. If the temperature of water in the spa continues to increase up to 115 degrees, the entire
How to Clean a Rug Without a Rug Cleaner

How to Clean a Rug Without a Rug Cleaner

Much like your carpeting, rugs in your home need to be cleaned regularly. This is especially important in high traffic areas or if you have kids and pets that can make a rug dingier and dirtier at a much faster rate than homes with just adults and no pets. When cleaning your rug, you may interested
How to Test the Relative Humidity Prior to Painting

How to Test the Relative Humidity Prior to Painting

High humidity levels cause paint to take longer to fully solidify and harden. Different types of paint have different tolerances for humidity and temperature, so you will need to read the instructions on the paint container to determine what the ideal conditions to paint in will be. In general, it i
How to Remove Nail Polish from Clothing

How to Remove Nail Polish from Clothing

If you have nail polish in your house, undoubtedly it has been spilled on something. I have tried so many tricks and tips for removing nail polish from clothing, and nothing worked, until I tried BUG SPRAY!!!
How to Clean Plastic-Coated Sheetrock With Steam Cleaners

How to Clean Plastic-Coated Sheetrock With Steam Cleaners

Rigid plastic, acrylic or vinyl cladding commonly lines sheetrock in rooms where easy wall cleaning is essential, such as kids' play rooms and kitchens. Plastic linings also protect sheetrock walls from moisture damage, making them useful in bathrooms. Although plastic walls are non-porous, a buildu
How to Remove an Oil Stain on a Concrete Garage Floor

How to Remove an Oil Stain on a Concrete Garage Floor

Whether your car leaked oil or you spilled oil accidentally onto the garage floor while working on your car, you will have to clean up the mess. Oil stains on a concrete garage floor are not only unattractive but can also damage the floor surface. To remove these ugly spots from concrete, you may us
How to Replace Vinyl Vertical Blind Slats

How to Replace Vinyl Vertical Blind Slats

Vertical blinds are long blinds that hang vertically instead of horizontally the way mini blinds do. Vertical blind slats are held in place by a little plastic clip that goes through a hole in the slat. After exposure to intense heat and sunlight, the vinyl at the top of the slat can break, causing
What Household Liquids Make Steel Nails Rust?

What Household Liquids Make Steel Nails Rust?

Making steel nails rust requires using substances that affect the oxygen and moisture level to create the reaction needed to promote rust. The type of steel nail involved affects which household liquids rust unprotected steel nails.
How to Change the Grease in a Mantis Tiller Gear Box

How to Change the Grease in a Mantis Tiller Gear Box

The gearbox in the Mantis tiller transfers power from the engine to the rotating splines that dig into the dirt. The worm gearbox uses grease instead of oil to help keep the gears lubricated. Check the grease once per year, preferably before the tilling season, and top off the gearbox with fresh gre
How to Wash Compression Stockings

How to Wash Compression Stockings

Whether you are pregnant or using them for other health reasons, compression stockings are a great source of relief for swelling in the legs and help to increase circulation. Knowing the right way to keep them clean will help them last a long time.
How to Prime Furniture With Kilz

How to Prime Furniture With Kilz

Kilz is a paint and primer manufacturer that produces primers for any number of painting jobs, including exterior and masonry surfaces. Priming a piece of furniture before painting it allows the paint to cover the old surface more smoothly and effectively. Primer also provides an extra layer of prot
Things at Home to Polish Silver

Things at Home to Polish Silver

Whether you have silver cookware, silver eating utensils or silver jewelry around your house, you likely have the need to clean or polish them on occasion. Even in the case of statuettes or decorative pieces, you might be going through a good deal of cleaning and polishing supplies. If this is your
How to Straighten Out a Wrinkled Rug

How to Straighten Out a Wrinkled Rug

Rugs are eye-catching and look great in any room, often accenting the furnishings and decor. When they start to curl up or wrinkle, though, they can be eyesores and safety hazards. Use natural methods to take care of your rug when it is looking wrinkled.
Cleaning & Organizing a House

Cleaning & Organizing a House

The underlying principle of a clean and tidy home is organization. This doesn't mean that you have to run your house like a military operation with every waking minute accounted for. On the contrary, having some structure to your housekeeping will give you more time for things you really want to do.
How to Kill Mold in Foam

How to Kill Mold in Foam

Mold can grow on just about any surface including porous materials such as fabric and foam. When mold grows on porous materials, it is common to discard the item because of the difficulty in removing mold for them. However, it is not impossible to salvage these items and restore them to like-new con
Flowers That Feel Like Velvet

Flowers That Feel Like Velvet

Texture is an important element in the garden. A variety of textures adds interest to a flower bed, just as a variety of colors and heights does. If it's a velvety texture you're seeking, several flowers that fit the bill. They are all unique in shape and size, but have a soft texture in common.
How to Remove Grease Odors From Laundry

How to Remove Grease Odors From Laundry

French fries and potato chips are so tasty, but they contain a fair amount of grease. This grease gets on your fingers while you eat, and can end up on your clothing if you are not careful. Grease has a specific odor that will remain on your laundry if you don't treat the grease spots before tossing
How to Remove Paint From Hinges

How to Remove Paint From Hinges

Many older homes have years of paint applications from former occupants. Multiple coats of paint can make doors unattractive or even nonfunctional. You can make the best of this tedious home improvement task by using a few common household ingredients and a lot of patience.
Homemade Natural Stain Removers

Homemade Natural Stain Removers

Is your family sensitive to fragrances or leery of the health risks associated with many commercial cleaning products? Our grandmothers knew how to clean with vinegar, baking soda and other common household ingredients. Learn how they did it by following these easy and natural stain removing recip