Home & Garden Cleaning & Laundry

How to Kill Mold in Foam

    Paraformaldehyde Powder

    • 1). Don your protective clothing.

    • 2). Pour paraformaldehyde powder into an old bed sheet and wrap the bed sheet into a wad so that the powder is enclosed in the middle.

    • 3). Roll the foam as tightly as possible with the wadded up bed sheet.

    • 4). Place the bed sheet and foam into a plastic bag. Close the bag, leaving a "neck" at the opening.

    • 5). Insert a shop vac hose into the neck of the bag and suck to condense the foam into a little knot. Remove the hose and seal the neck closed.

    • 6). Allow the bag to sit, undisturbed for several days to allow the paraformaldehyde to kill the mold growth and absorb the odor.

    • 7). Remove the bed sheet and suck the foam several times with the shop vac to remove the paraformaldehyde gas.

    • 8). Remove the foam from the bag and un-wad.


    • 1). Combine 1/2 cup of household bleach with 1 gallon of water.

    • 2). Pour the mixture into a spray bottle.

    • 3). Spray the bleach-water mixture onto the foam.

    • 4). Sit the foam in a sunny area to dry.

    Laundry or Diswashing Detergent

    • 1). Mix 1/4 cup of laundry or dishwashing detergent with 1 gallon of water.

    • 2). Spray the molded areas of the foam with water to prevent mold spores from being released into the air.

    • 3). Scrub the foam with a brush or sponge saturated with the detergent mixture.

    • 4). Allow the foam to dry thoroughly.

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