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I Need a Copy of the Three Day Diet - Should You Get a Copy Or Run For the Hills?

I Need a Copy of the Three Day Diet - Should You Get a Copy Or Run For the Hills?

Recently a co worker of mine said I need a copy of the three day diet. I asked him why and he told me all about it. The whole goal of this diet is to help you lose up to 10 pounds in three days or 72 hours. It supposedly gives you quick weight loss, a cleansing effect and more energy. We will discus
What is Multigrain Bread?

What is Multigrain Bread?

Eating healthy all the time can be a challenge, particularly when you're busy. Supermarket shelves are rife with products boasting nutritional benefits that can help you better supplement your diet. One of those enhancements comes in the form of multigrain, and it can be found in a number of foods,
Diets That Work - The Raw Food Plan

Diets That Work - The Raw Food Plan

Everywhere you look, books and magazine articles are proclaiming what's best for us to eat. Regardless of your size or health status, these messages tell us, somewhere out there the perfect diet that works is waiting for you. Unfortunately, no one single diet can meet anyone's complete die
Fatloss4idiots Reviews - What I Dislike About This Diet

Fatloss4idiots Reviews - What I Dislike About This Diet

Fatloss4idiots is one of the most popular diets today. But I have a few things I dislike about it. Read what they are...
Why Experts Recommend Mediterranean Diet

Why Experts Recommend Mediterranean Diet

There has been a recent analysis by food experts ofthe Mediterranean Diet, to determine its benefits, features and advantages over many other types of diets plans. Theirconclusion was that it is the perfect diet plan for almost everyone who tries to lose weightand build a healthy body. This article
The Eat More, Weigh Less Diet - Know the Pros and Cons of This Diet

The Eat More, Weigh Less Diet - Know the Pros and Cons of This Diet

What are the pros and cons of the Eat More, Weigh Less program? This routine is the result of studies aimed to find ways to quash heart disease. With this program, you are required to eat foods low in fat and high in fiber and vegetable content. Dairy food consumption should also be reduced. You mus
A Brief Look at the Alkaline Diet Approach

A Brief Look at the Alkaline Diet Approach

What is the Alkaline Diet? It is all about balance and that is what you will find out. If you maintain a Ph Level of around 7, the health benefits are amazing.
Fad Diets - Make Them Healthy

Fad Diets - Make Them Healthy

Fad diets are usually not healthy.Make a few simple changes and they can be part of a nutritious diet.
Are You Taking the Right Decision to Buy Acai Berry?

Are You Taking the Right Decision to Buy Acai Berry?

The benefit of Acai is that it will improve the metabolism system thereby giving you a younger skin. It also helps to reduce blood pressure and regulate cholesterol levels. What's more, it helps in burning the extra calories and also helps to get a sound sleep.
What is a Yeast Free Diet?

What is a Yeast Free Diet?

A yeast free diet is not, at first, what you may think. It isn't about not eating bread or doughnuts, or even not drinking beer. Yes, certain types of yeast are used in making beer.
Hoodia Gordonii and Side Effects - Possible Unwanted Effects

Hoodia Gordonii and Side Effects - Possible Unwanted Effects

Side effects that are caused by hoodia dietary supplements may not be caused by hoodia gordonii itself. Other ingredients are being mixed with these fake products, mostly stimulants and additives.
Tips For Having More Success On Nutrisystem

Tips For Having More Success On Nutrisystem

I get a lot of emails from folks who are trying to have the most success on the Nutrisystem diet in the shortest amount of time. After all, no one wants to spend their hard earned money on special diet foods, change their lifestyle and habits to eat those special foods, and then end up disappointed
What Factors Seem to Affect Daily Calorie Intake?

What Factors Seem to Affect Daily Calorie Intake?

You may find it difficult to consistently count your calories on a daily basis because some days you might be starving while other days you can get by with little food. The good news is it’s not all in your head -- most of it is physiological. Your hormone levels, genetic makeup, sleep and phy
Incorporating Low Carb Foods Into Your Daily Mindset

Incorporating Low Carb Foods Into Your Daily Mindset

When it comes to losing weight a great way to start is replacing bad carbs with good ones. It can be also a mindset when you are looking to replace them with low carb foods. Your mindset will be one of the most important things you do.
500 Calories Diet - Why the 500 Calories Diet is No Good For You

500 Calories Diet - Why the 500 Calories Diet is No Good For You

There are good diets and then there are bad diets. The 500 calories diet is another one of those fad diets that has gained popularity over time, but at the end of the day, what damage is a diet like this having on your body?
Higher Cost of Heavier Employees

Higher Cost of Heavier Employees

Overweight employees have much higher health-care costs than normal-weight ones.
How Much Protein Do You Need?

How Much Protein Do You Need?

Find out if you are getting enough healthy proteins in your diet.
What Type of Clam to Use for Baked Clams?

What Type of Clam to Use for Baked Clams?

The range of clams available to seafood lovers is wonderfully diverse, and so is the range of recipes for baked clams. While variety opens up a world of possibilities for creative cooks, deciding which clams to use can be puzzling. To add to the potential for confusion, commonly used names of clam v
Nutrisystem Food Variety and Benefits

Nutrisystem Food Variety and Benefits

Nutrisystem Foods are pre-packed foods and have everything you need. Complete and equipped with the essential nutrients that comes in a complete package that is perfect for each meal. These foods are altered not only to help you lose weight but to ensure that the body gets the essential nutrients th