Health & Medical Diet & Fitness

Tips For Having More Success On Nutrisystem

I get a lot of emails from folks who are trying to have the most success on the Nutrisystem diet in the shortest amount of time.
After all, no one wants to spend their hard earned money on special diet foods, change their lifestyle and habits to eat those special foods, and then end up disappointed with slow results.
In my experience and opinion, there are some thing that you can do to help you to have the most success on Nutrisystem in the easiest and quickest way possible.
I will share those tips below.
Be Realistic About Your Results, But Believe That You Can Be On The High End Of The Curve: If you spend any amount of time browsing the Nutrisystem success stories on the main site, you will see that there are countless people on there who have lost 20, 30, 50, 75, and upwards of 100 pounds.
But you probably also know that the average weight loss is around 2-3 pounds per week.
Sometimes, when I share this information, people wrinkle up their nose and look at me with discouragement in their eyes.
But you know what? The success stories on the Nutrisystem site had the same odds and they still ended up with the results that they have now.
And many of them will tell you that they happily accepted whatever they lost in any particular week and they just kept right on going.
The secret to any diet or weight loss program is longevity.
Add the results add up over time and you will get a whole new body.
Know what to expect going in, but also envision yourself being on the higher end of the range (or at least the one who is willing to stick it out until the very end.
) I have an inspirational saying taped over my walking shoes that reads: "why not me? Why not now?" Those success stories don't all have 5 pound weight loss each and every week.
But on weeks that they don't, they keep right on going.
You are not out of the game until you give up.
The diet is designed to help you lose weight.
There is no reason that your results should not reflect this.
Build Accountability Into Your Routine But Don't Be So Rigid That You Feel Badly About Yourself When Things Go Wrong: Many people who are very successful on Nutrisystem take advantage of the free counseling.
Many readers have told me that they firmly believe that having someone watching out for them and knowing that someone is in their corner and interested in their results made all of the difference.
Not every one wants to have to report into someone on a regular basis and this is OK as well.
You are not required to have a counselor.
While they are there for free if you need them, but no one is going to force this on you.
However, if you don't want a counselor, consider having a friend or even yourself hold you accountable.
Now, by holding you accountable I don't mean that said friend should beat you up or nag you to death.
But they should ask you how it is going regularly and give you support or a gentle push when you need it.
Even if you're going it alone, check in with yourself regularly and if you find yourself slipping, get yourself back on track.
With this said, don't beat yourself up when you slip.
Every one cheats.
Every one has off days or even weeks.
The key with this is to not allow one day to become two which then turns into a week or two which eventually means you never go back on the diet.
Don't tell yourself that you're lazy or have no willpower or will always be fat if you slip.
Instead, just go back at it the next day and always be kind to yourself.
Figure Out A Way To Sneak In Some Exercise: If you really want the fastest Nutrisystem results, there's probably no way around exercise, or at least moving your body more than what it is used to.
Many of the averages that you hear about on Nutrisystem do not count exercise into the equation.
So one easy way to get better results is to just add in some movement.
This doesn't mean working out until you're so sore you can't move.
This doesn't mean sweating so much you become disgusted with the process.
It can be as simple as taking walk after dinner or spending 15 minutes jumping rope.
Start small.
Begin a routine that you can easily maintain.
I promise adding in additional movement will not only make you feel better about what you are doing, it will bump up your results.
Understand How And Why This Diet Works: My theory on why Nutrisystem is so effective (and many agree with me) is that they keep the calories and carbs low while keeping the protein high.
This makes you feel full and encourages your body to burn fat more rapidly.
But, you are asked to add in fresh sides with every meal.
You need to understand that those sides need to also be relatively low in carbs and calories and high in protein.
If they are not, then you are potentially negating all of your hard work and are potentially thwarting your results.
So be careful with your sides.

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