Health & Medical Diet & Fitness

Diets That Work - The Raw Food Plan

Everywhere you look, books and magazine articles are proclaiming what's best for us to eat.
Regardless of your size or health status, these messages tell us, somewhere out there the perfect diet that works is waiting for you.
Unfortunately, no one single diet can meet anyone's complete diet and health needs.
But the uncooked food-oriented diet plans that work have gained a significant following and have caught the attention of medical professionals.
Essentially, a raw food diet required dieters to consume foods that are only organic or vegan (no animal products, with the exception of honey), and unprocessed.
The nutritional value of uncooked foods is preserved due to the fact that these items must not be cooked at high temperatures, which keeps vitamins and minerals intact.
Because this type of eating has so many benefits, many people have become convinced that it is the best diet to follow.
Since this is a meat-free diet, most people regard it as healthier than the typical daily nutritional intake of most adults.
If you are staying away from meat, you're also keeping your body away from cholesterol and saturated fats that go hand-in-hand with meaty meals.
Raw food dieters also don't consume the trans fats commonly found now in processed foods or the chemicals contained in almost all packaged food.
Whole food dieters who are avoiding these unhealthy ingredients have experienced: * Fewer instances of heart disease.
* A drop in cholesterol levels.
* Improved skin tone.
* Weight loss.
* A strengthened immune system.
* Extra energy.
* Improved digestive function.
Another benefit of the raw food diet is that it contains a high level of fiber, which the medical community believe is instrumental in preventing some forms of cancer and various digestive conditions.
There isn't much cooking involved in a diet like this, but be aware that it does take time to prepare these foods, which require chopping, drying or juicing.
And it's also important to remember that when you eat raw, you are buying fresh produce grown by local farmers, who will reap the financial benefits from selling this food, rather than food companies.
Many people have converted to the raw food diet because they prefer simplicity - they're tired of the complexity of trendy diets.
You don't have to focus on the amount of the raw food you eat, but rather its quality.
And quite often the food you prepare will taste very similar to anything you could buy in packaged form.
More raw food stores and restaurants are emerging, which will make it easier for a natural food enthusiasts to continue their eating choices for a long time.

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