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How Much Protein Do You Need?

How Much Protein Do You Need?
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How Much Protein Do You Need?

The Best Food Sources continued...

From black beans and garbanzos to lentils and split peas, plant proteins can be used in soups, chili, spreads, and Mexican dishes. As for whole grains, three protein-rich grains are quinoa, spelt, and amaranth.

Unlike animal protein, most plant-based proteins are "incomplete," meaning they lack some amino acid building blocks. By combining plant proteins, such as rice and beans or hummus on pita bread, they become "complete" with all the essential amino acids found in animal protein. Eat different plant proteins anytime during the day. They don't need to be eaten in the same meal.

Tips for Not Going Overboard With Protein

Protein servings of meat, poultry, or fish, should be the size and thickness of the palm of your hand, suggests Antonucci. That's about a 3-ounce portion. She suggests that meat eaters eat no more than two palm-sized servings of meat a day to get enough -- but not too much -- protein.

To look at it another way, protein should take up no more than one-third of your plate at meals, whether it's in a form you can drink or chew, suggests Bonci. She recommends including small amounts of protein foods at every meal to spread your intake evenly throughout the day.

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