A Review of Dove Men+Care Expert Shave
A review of the Dove Men+Care Expert Shave Line which includes a pre-shave scrub, pre-shave oil, shaving creams, and post-shave balm.
Why Do We Need Cellulite Cream Reviews?
If you are having a hard time making a decision on what cellulite cream to purchase then cellulite cream reviews is the answer. Cellulite cream reviews are the composed of the different points of view of different cream users. This will help you determine which products work best and not. All you ne
Short Hair Is Millennium Fab On Many A Fashion Showcase!
Small changes such as short wigs can completely change the way you look-more than could imagine!You may be surprisedat how much of a difference short wigs can make for you.If you have ever tried on high quality short wigs you know how effective they can be-they can change your overall appearance, mo
Make a Decoupage Bracelet - What You'll Need
Learn how to make a decoupage bracelet using an old Hello Kitty calendar and this step-by-step decoupage bracelet tutorial.
How to Use the Girl Crush Airbrush Tattoo Set
The Girl Crush Airbrush Tattoo Set gives girls, tweens and teens the creativity todesign fashionable art designs for the body, excluding the face. The reusablestencils enable girls to concoct an unlimited variety of designs. Embellishmentssuch as glitter gel and b
The Advanced Color Analysis System Simplified
The advanced 12 system color analysis system seems very complex at first glance. But I simplify it down to its basic elements so anyone can understand it.
Directions for Rainbow Henna
Ancient Egyptians used henna to color their hair, and the tradition continues in many parts of Africa, Asia and the Middle East to this day. The benefits of this plant-based dye don't stop with color. Henna also conditions hair, leaving strands with a glossy finish. Rainbow brand henna is carried in
Vitamins for Good Skin
Vitamins are imperative for healthy skin. A multivitamin supplement is recommended, but it is also important to incorporate certain vitamins daily in a balanced diet. Foods such as fresh fruits, nuts, dark green vegetables and lean meats are vitamin sources for the best in skin nutrition.
How to Make Homemade Lip Gloss in Less Than Five Minutes
Shiny lips are back, and women of all ages want the shimmer of luscious lips. For the frugal at heart, homemade lip gloss is a perfect way to reuse empty cosmetics containers and the leftover ends of spent lipsticks, blushes and eye tints. When you make your own lip gloss you can experiment with wil
How to Use Olay Filling & Sealing Wrinkle Treatment
According to the Mayo Clinic, wrinkles are the natural result of many factors including age, smoking, bad nutrition, sun exposure and repeated facial expressions. While wrinkles may be inevitable, that does not make their appearance easier to handle. There are numerous remedies for wrinkles, ranging
Beauty Tips for Aging Skin
Wrinkles, sagging skin and age spots are part of the aging process and the result of chemical changes in the skin's three layers. Diet, genetics and lifestyle all play a role in how fast the skin ages. While nothing can stop the aging process, there are beauty tips that can delay the appearance of a
Is Your Eye Shadow Right For You?
This article by a professional fashion model photographer will clue you in on some makeup trends including how to wear eye shadow. I hope it will help with your fashion makeup goals.
How to Become a Beauty Writer
Beauty writing can incorporate a number of specific issues, including skincare and haircare, fashion, accessories and products. Being a beauty writer means you are on the cutting edge of new hairstyles, clothing designers and makeup advances, and you want to share what you know with others.
Conair Tourmaline Ceramic Directions
Flat irons are exceptional for creating sleek hairstyles, no matter if you are looking for a simple smooth finish or straightening curly hair. Regular use of heated styling tools can cause damage to your hair, and cause your hair to become dry or prone to split ends. Use a flat iron such as Conair's
Video: What if Makeup Settles in Pores?
Video Transcript
Hi, I'm skin care expert Tracy O'Connor, and today I'm going to share with you what happens when makeup settles into the pores. So when makeup settles into our pores, what happens is we get a buildup. And that buildup can create congestion, congestion of oil, dead skin...
Alternative to Face Lifts
If would like to improve your appearance but are apprehensive about getting a face lift, you might want to know more about some procedures that can be great as alternatives to face lifts. Face-lifts are one of the most invasive means for improving one's overall appearance.
Easy Ways To Deal With Acne
You have probably thought to yourself over and over again that you wish acne was not a part of life. It can be a frustrating and difficult part of adolescence, and can spread into adulthood as well.
Celebrities in Suits: Andy Samberg
Take a peek at our favorite celebrities in suits for prom inspiration.