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Vitamins for Good Skin

    Vitamin A

    • Vitamin A is responsible for youthful and smooth skin. If vitamin A is deficient, skin is dry and rough.

    B Vitamins

    • B vitamins are together as a supplement or incorporated in daily diet. The B-complex vitamins maintain skin balance and overall glow.

    Vitamin C

    • Vitamin C fights free radicals and aides in the production of collagen. Deficiency causes large pores and rough skin.

    Vitamin P

    • Bioflavonoids, or vitamin P, restore broken capillaries and cell wall structure. Bioflavonoids are commonly referred to as part of the C vitamins.

    Vitamin D

    • Vitamin D is made on the skin by the sun. Vitamin D regulates skin pigmentation.

    Vitamin E

    • Vitamin E is the chief anti-aging vitamin. It blocks UV rays, prevents age spots and can be applied topically to heal sunburn and reduce the appearance of scars and wrinkles.

    Vitamin K

    • Vitamin K heals damaged skin on the face and body. Signs of deficiency can be detected if skin bruises easily.

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