How to Become a Beauty Writer
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Know what you're talking about. Whether your experience is in hair, makeup or clothing, knowledge is important if you're going to present yourself as an expert in the field. Maybe you've worked in a department store as a makeup artist, or you've been a personal shopper, or you've worked as a hairstylist. Improve your understanding of beauty by studying the history of beauty in all its forms. - 2
Begin a beauty blog. Starting a blog couldn't be easier with today's personal blog makers (see Resources). By writing your own beauty blog, you create writing samples while honing your craft. Show some versatility by offering information on new products, beauty tips and fashion, so that you have a variety of articles for potential publishers to read. Link your website to other beauty-related web-rings. - 3
Build your writing clips. Add to your credits by submitting to websites that focus on beauty topics. Talk with the owner of your local spa or salon and offer a free, beauty-related newsletter for them to hand out to their clients. - 4
Build your resume. Include your written pieces that show your expertise in the beauty industry. Print out samples (otherwise known as tear sheets) of your online writing, as well as any other writing you want to feature, so that your resume is ready when opportunities arise. Create a cover letter that you can use over and over again. - 5
Submit articles to online beauty websites. Look for websites that accept articles and product reviews. Narrow your search to some of the smaller sites first to build your resume. Then email larger sites, offering your expertise. Include potential article titles or product reviews you'd like to do, and follow all submission guidelines, if any are available. - 6
Submit articles and reviews to mainstream beauty magazines. Now that you have some experience and clippings to support your resume, find the submission guidelines for your favorite beauty magazines. Publications such as Writers Guidelines for Magazines show which magazines focus on beauty and accept submissions.