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Alternative to Face Lifts

If would like to improve your appearance but are apprehensive about getting a face lift, you might want to know more about some procedures that can be great as alternatives to it.
These are one of the most invasive means for improving one's overall appearance.
It is also one of the most expensive procedures, requiring local anaesthetics, some physical discomfort and some amount of recovery time.
Today, there are several non-surgical methods that can serve as a good alternative to it.
Let us get to know more about these procedures: Laser It is a relatively non-invasive face lift procedure.
It does not require incisions, scarring oranaesthesia.
The cosmetic doctor only uses a laser to remove the outer layer of the skin and tighten it so the patient is left with fewer wrinkles and fine lines.
Since it involves laser, patients will observe some discoloration in the skin after treatment, but the side effects usually go away within a week.
Botox Botox injections are one of the most popular non-surgical face lift alternative available today - probably the most popular, in fact.
Botox allows the muscles in the face to relax so that the skin can smooth out and the wrinkles are significantly reduced.
Similar to Botox are collagen and hyaluronic injections, which also aim to plump up tissues in the skin to make it look smoother and suppler.
Thermage Thermage is a technologically advanced facial rejuvenation procedure.
In this technique, heat is used to stimulate the growth or regrowth of collagen in problem areas.
Just like laser, it can lead to some minor discoloration but the side effects usually go away within a few days.
Face Rejuvenation and Anti-Wrinkle Products For some people, non-surgical face lift may be too expensive, undesirable or virtually impossible.
For these people, there are now anti-wrinkle products that aim to provide the skin the rejuvenation it needs.
Creams and products usually contain high amounts of amino acids such as alpha hydroxy acid and acetyl peptide which is proven to be effective in tightening the skin, reducing fine lines and wrinkles, as well as stimulating the re-growth of collagen and elastin in the skin.
Facial lift creams do not work as quickly as non-invasive face lift procedures (mentioned above); it takes time for the smoothening effect to be seen - at least 2 to 3 months to be exact.
However, these creams and lotions remain to be the least invasive means for warding off visible signs of aging.
While face lift procedures cost thousands of dollars, face lift lotions range from less than a hundred to a few tens of dollars.
Skin care products which contain potent ingredients that can ward of aging can be another excellent addition to your anti-aging regimen and a good alternative to face lift.
There are many skin care products today that have anti-aging properties.
Using them on a daily basis will not only decrease wrinkles, but would most importantly slow it down so you can enjoy youth far longer.

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