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Why Do Alcoholics Drink? Why Can't They Stop?

Why Do Alcoholics Drink? Why Can't They Stop?

Alcoholism affects millions of people and families throughout the world. People who don't suffer from alcoholism themselves often don't understand the disease. Learn about the disease from an actual alcoholic.
Quit Smoking Tips - How to Quit Easily

Quit Smoking Tips - How to Quit Easily

Don't listen to all the depressing tips and great struggle stuff.Quitting smoking is fine if you have the right attitude and I speak as a weak willed 30 a day man who smoked for over 20 years. If I can do it believe me you can.
Having a Stop Smoking Plan - Why Having a Plan is Essential to Your Success

Having a Stop Smoking Plan - Why Having a Plan is Essential to Your Success

Why is it important to have a stop smoking plan? Many people each day decide to kick the habit and with all good intentions go out and try and do exactly that, to quit. Needless to say, it is not as easy a task as it may sound.
Healthy Ideas for Serving Avocados

Healthy Ideas for Serving Avocados

Avocados are rich in vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats. Oh, and calories. Here's a few of my healthy ideas for avocados.
Stop Smoking Forums What You Need To Know

Stop Smoking Forums What You Need To Know

One great thing about reading a forum to stop smoking is that there will be plenty of information from others about what they did or are doing to quit. You will read about methods to quit, alternative therapies, and so on. If you are not looking forward to the prospect of quitting cigarettes cold tu
Prescription Drug Addiction - How it Almost Caused My Death - My Chemical "Rape"

Prescription Drug Addiction - How it Almost Caused My Death - My Chemical "Rape"

I beg you, my friends, to please read my personal story of what happened to me because of Rx drug addiction. This story will save your life if you are taking any type of addictive prescription drugs or you know of anyone like myself. People have died after taking only ONE pill. What will happen to y
Laser Treatment to Quit Smoking - Does It Work?

Laser Treatment to Quit Smoking - Does It Work?

There has been much talk about laser treatment to quit smoking in the press of late. The treatment has been reported about on national TV throughout the US and across Europe. Of course, with such incredible claims of success, the question everyone is asking is, does it work?
A Study of Step 11

A Study of Step 11

The purpose of Step 11 is to discover the plan God as you understand Him, has for your life and find the power to carry it out.
Looking For What Causes Alcoholism?

Looking For What Causes Alcoholism?

Knowing what causes alcoholism is extremely suggested as you are able to gain knowledge of what can lead you or a dear one to alcoholism and how to shun them. While some articles on this question stay on the hereditary element, we are going to consider the role of an individual in deciding to become
Free Christian Drug Rehab - What Should You Expect?

Free Christian Drug Rehab - What Should You Expect?

You will find some secular free rehabs, but the vast majority of free providers are faith based Christian drug rehabs, and some of them are offering truly exceptional treatment. What can you expect in a free Christian drug rehab?
Keeping an Open Mind to Help Quit Smoking

Keeping an Open Mind to Help Quit Smoking

One of the things that you'll find most essential in your quest to quit smoking is definitely going to be an open mind. It might not seem like it at first, and quite frankly most resources tend to stress on the need to have strong willpower - but an open mind is just as important as willpower a
Beer Is Less Harmful for the Liver than Plain Ethanol

Beer Is Less Harmful for the Liver than Plain Ethanol

Do different types of alcoholic beverages cause different types of liver toxicity?
Center for Behavioral Health of Phoenix AZ

Center for Behavioral Health of Phoenix AZ

Substances abuse services offered by Center for Behavioral Health Phoenix.
Smoking and the Brain

Smoking and the Brain

While the lungs seem to be at the centre of attention when it comes to the harm that smoking causes, do know that there are other organs that are also quite vulnerable to smoke infused ...
Breaking Bad Habits - Tips to Help You Quit

Breaking Bad Habits - Tips to Help You Quit

Breaking bad habits is quick with hypnosis to quit smoking. In this article of tips to help you quit you will learn the thoughts that are used in hypnosis to quit smoking. Even though hypnosis to quit smoking is one of the fastest ways to stop smoking, you can use the thoughts and images created to
Where to Find Resources in Quitting Smoking

Where to Find Resources in Quitting Smoking

There are hundreds of smokers trying to quit yet only a few becomes successful. If you are one of those who have failed so many times trying to quit cold turkey, now is the time for you to discover other alternatives that will increase your chances of quitting greatly.
Quinco Community Mental Health Center of Jackson TN

Quinco Community Mental Health Center of Jackson TN

Mental health services offered by Quinco Community Mental Health Center of Jackson TN
Timothy Bennett of Hershey PA

Timothy Bennett of Hershey PA

Mental health and substance abuse services offered by Timothy Bennett of Hershey PA
Film Stars Protest Against Smoking Bans at Cannes Film Festival!

Film Stars Protest Against Smoking Bans at Cannes Film Festival!

Wherever and whenever smoking bans are imposed, they are accompanied by innumerable protests and difficulties on their implementation. Many argue that the smoking bans go a bit too far and adversely a
Want to Live Happily Ever After? Stop Smoking!

Want to Live Happily Ever After? Stop Smoking!

Smokers claim that cigarettes have become such an essential part of their daily routine that now it's impossible to stop smoking. Stressed or bored, in pain or for pleasure grab a cigarette and all your ...