Health & Medical Addiction & Recovery

Quit Smoking Tips - How to Quit Easily

Now it's been a few years since I gave up smoking but I still think of all the smokers who are trying to escape.
  Here are a few of my smoking quit tips which I hope may help you escape as well.
  • Get your attitude right - giving up is not a titanic struggle, nor is it the hardest thing you'll ever do - if it was I would never have done it!
  • Be positive, forget that nicotine is as addictive as cocaine rubbish.
      In a few days all physical cravings will have gone
  • Here's a 100% guarantee that when you quit the addiction there is nothing to miss about smoking
  • Giving up smoking can be a wonderful experience.
    Just be focussed and you'll quit, it's that simple
Giving up smoking is all in the mind, there is a very slight physical withdrawal symptom to overcome.
 But these withdrawal symptoms are something smokers feel every day, as soon as you put out your cigarette they kick in and it's why you think everything is better with a cigarette.
   For smokers if they are not smoking are suffering withdrawal symptoms - that is the only reason why we smokers think we'll miss cigarettes.
It's all a big mind trick and one if you understand is the only smoking quit tip you'll need.
  It's a physical addiction to nicotine which makes you think cigarettes are great, that make you think they relax you.
  Cigarettes do one thing for smokers - they cure withdrawal symptoms.
 That is the only thing they do!
They don't make you happy.
 They don't help you enjoy a night out.
They don't make anything better, what they do is remove that awful lingering craving which is your body asking for a nicotine top up.
  Next time you light up a cigarette, do me a favour and think carefully about what you feel.
 Which part of smoking do you enjoy the most ?  Is it the taste or the flavour, perhaps its the smell you enjoy?   I suspect there's nothing about smoking that you'll be able to pinpoint that you enjoy.
What you will enjoy is that first deep ingestion of nicotine and smoke into your lungs because that will put that little nicotine monster to sleep for a little while.
 That is the pleasure of smoking - it is simply a relief from the non stop cravings that we feel when we are not smoking.
  That is the secret to understand that you can suffer withdrawal symptoms every day of your life and stay smoking or just stand up to them for a few days and escape for ever.
 That is the best of my smoking quit tips, I hope it encourages you just be happy, be positive and you'll quit.

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