Prescription Drug Addiction - How it Almost Caused My Death - My Chemical "Rape"
It started in 2001 after a back injury at work...
It started with ONE pill.
Little did I know then that it would end up with my near death on May 10, 2008.
It was the end of April of 2007.
I wasn't feeling like myself at all.
I had become a zombie.
I was incontinent and in diapers for an entire year, too weak to walk and so I was put into a wheelchair to get around.
My world shrunk down to fit only myself and my many bottles of prescribed pills.
I lost nearly all powers of human reasoning and thought.
Although I had been a born again believer for many, many years, I just wasn't feeling His presence in my life any longer.
It was later on that I realized why.
I had morphed into An Addict.
My "god" had become my pills; they were #1 in my life at that time...
for 7 long years...
taking the spot that Jesus once had.
Those little demons meant everything to me.
My world was just me and those disgusting "pills".
No longer did my loving husband and children matter; not because I willfully cast them out, but because the drugs take over your very soul and cast out everyone and everything that matters in your life; that's exactly what they did to me.
I had 2 doctors in 1 (one) practice who prescribed a lethal combination of vicodin, norco, soma, oxycontin, morphine, methodone, percocet, fentanyl patches, fentanyl, ativan, trazodone, lyrica, and some others.
The instructions to me, unquestioned by my pharmacy, were to take ALL of these drugs together.
Doesn't this set off a "Red Flag" to you? Shouldn't it? By the way, my "trusty" family doctor referred me to this pain clinic for ongoing care after a few initial visits after my injury.
He had given me my original "load" of hydrocodone and valium for pain, to start me off on a journey that allowed me to experience hell near the end of a very dangerous road towards death.
Now I understand that I had to experience hell in order to find my way back home and to heaven someday.
I had the "ruby slippers" the whole time, but, like "Dorothy", I just didn't know all I had to do was to click my heels 3 times.
I was hearing things that weren't being said.
I was seeing things that weren't there.
Frightful Terror had hit me.
I couldn't eat...
everything tasted like raw "roadkill"...
like "death".
I couldn't even drink water because it tasted like what I perceived as "old blood".
My heart was beating so hard that I just "knew" it would explode.
I was up for days because lying down would only force more concentration on my pounding heart.
My tongue had a furry blue appearance that even alarmed my usually calm husband.
Every pore in my body reeked a "chemical" fowl odor.
I felt rats, that weren't there, crawling over every surface of my body...
even under my clothes.
The diarrhea was constant, unending, and painful...
every 5 to 10 minutes.
I felt like I had to vomit but couldn't..
I just kept salivating as though I was about to throw up...
in my chest, it felt like a hot flaming fire was raging.
I didn't know it was an overload of drugs and that I was in withdrawal.
I knew I was dying and kept saying to myself, "do I just lay down and wait for death?" "How do I die?" "I can't even lay down on my bed to die...
I'm too sick".
The anxiety! The fear! The hallucinations! The restlessness! I felt Impending death! All I kept screaming to my husband was "HELP me! HELP me! I'm Toxic".
I thought it was something I was eating but I was unable to eat.
What was it??? I thought of everything, except for..
the pills God had spoken to me...
quite profoundly.
I KNEW His Voice.
He says, "My sheep hear My Voice".
What did He say to me? He said, "You have one more chance.
You have one more chance.
You have one more chance.
" Yes, He said it 3 times.
I knew what He meant but I was oblivious to the fact (for the moment) that He was referring to my "Addiction".
He (God) brought my oldest daughter to me at my weakest, most questioning hour.
She kept calling me, lovingly telling me that it was all from prescription drug Addiction & that I can get past this.
She told me that the pills had taken their toll in my body and I was in withdrawal.
She worked tirelessly with me trying to find somewhere that I could go to safely detox and end the addiction and save my life.
My daughter had gone through a serious addiction herself, with Actiq (Fentanyl pops), and knew exactly what was happening to me.
She nearly died as well.
The signs and symptoms were all too familiar to her.
God brought her to me, as my angel in disguise, to give me that "one more chance" that I needed...
the diagnosis of what I was going through.
As I write this, the tears are pouring down my face...
for how God worked in my life during that time and has worked in my life since then, AND for my daughter's unconditional and unending love & perseverance, AND also for the countless millions who have died and are dying of prescription drug addiction imposed on them by their trusted physicians who have taken a solemn oath to "do no harm".
My story doesn't end here.
There was my coma...
my psychotic breakdown...
my time in cardiac intensive care...
and more...
lots, lots more.
There is so much you need to know.
This is only the first in a series of many articles I plan to write.
I am on a mission...
a mission to STOP the Murder by unscrupulous doctors all over the face of the earth who are killing innocent people in the name of the almighty dollar!!! Please...
stay tuned and come back to read more so that you can help me save lives...
maybe your child's...
maybe your friend's..
maybe your spouse...
maybe even yours.
"The LORD bless you and keep you; The LORD make His face shine upon you, And be gracious to you; The LORD lift up His countenance upon you, And give you peace.
"' (Numbers 6:24-26, NKJV)
It started with ONE pill.
Little did I know then that it would end up with my near death on May 10, 2008.
It was the end of April of 2007.
I wasn't feeling like myself at all.
I had become a zombie.
I was incontinent and in diapers for an entire year, too weak to walk and so I was put into a wheelchair to get around.
My world shrunk down to fit only myself and my many bottles of prescribed pills.
I lost nearly all powers of human reasoning and thought.
Although I had been a born again believer for many, many years, I just wasn't feeling His presence in my life any longer.
It was later on that I realized why.
I had morphed into An Addict.
My "god" had become my pills; they were #1 in my life at that time...
for 7 long years...
taking the spot that Jesus once had.
Those little demons meant everything to me.
My world was just me and those disgusting "pills".
No longer did my loving husband and children matter; not because I willfully cast them out, but because the drugs take over your very soul and cast out everyone and everything that matters in your life; that's exactly what they did to me.
I had 2 doctors in 1 (one) practice who prescribed a lethal combination of vicodin, norco, soma, oxycontin, morphine, methodone, percocet, fentanyl patches, fentanyl, ativan, trazodone, lyrica, and some others.
The instructions to me, unquestioned by my pharmacy, were to take ALL of these drugs together.
Doesn't this set off a "Red Flag" to you? Shouldn't it? By the way, my "trusty" family doctor referred me to this pain clinic for ongoing care after a few initial visits after my injury.
He had given me my original "load" of hydrocodone and valium for pain, to start me off on a journey that allowed me to experience hell near the end of a very dangerous road towards death.
Now I understand that I had to experience hell in order to find my way back home and to heaven someday.
I had the "ruby slippers" the whole time, but, like "Dorothy", I just didn't know all I had to do was to click my heels 3 times.
I was hearing things that weren't being said.
I was seeing things that weren't there.
Frightful Terror had hit me.
I couldn't eat...
everything tasted like raw "roadkill"...
like "death".
I couldn't even drink water because it tasted like what I perceived as "old blood".
My heart was beating so hard that I just "knew" it would explode.
I was up for days because lying down would only force more concentration on my pounding heart.
My tongue had a furry blue appearance that even alarmed my usually calm husband.
Every pore in my body reeked a "chemical" fowl odor.
I felt rats, that weren't there, crawling over every surface of my body...
even under my clothes.
The diarrhea was constant, unending, and painful...
every 5 to 10 minutes.
I felt like I had to vomit but couldn't..
I just kept salivating as though I was about to throw up...
in my chest, it felt like a hot flaming fire was raging.
I didn't know it was an overload of drugs and that I was in withdrawal.
I knew I was dying and kept saying to myself, "do I just lay down and wait for death?" "How do I die?" "I can't even lay down on my bed to die...
I'm too sick".
The anxiety! The fear! The hallucinations! The restlessness! I felt Impending death! All I kept screaming to my husband was "HELP me! HELP me! I'm Toxic".
I thought it was something I was eating but I was unable to eat.
What was it??? I thought of everything, except for..
the pills God had spoken to me...
quite profoundly.
I KNEW His Voice.
He says, "My sheep hear My Voice".
What did He say to me? He said, "You have one more chance.
You have one more chance.
You have one more chance.
" Yes, He said it 3 times.
I knew what He meant but I was oblivious to the fact (for the moment) that He was referring to my "Addiction".
He (God) brought my oldest daughter to me at my weakest, most questioning hour.
She kept calling me, lovingly telling me that it was all from prescription drug Addiction & that I can get past this.
She told me that the pills had taken their toll in my body and I was in withdrawal.
She worked tirelessly with me trying to find somewhere that I could go to safely detox and end the addiction and save my life.
My daughter had gone through a serious addiction herself, with Actiq (Fentanyl pops), and knew exactly what was happening to me.
She nearly died as well.
The signs and symptoms were all too familiar to her.
God brought her to me, as my angel in disguise, to give me that "one more chance" that I needed...
the diagnosis of what I was going through.
As I write this, the tears are pouring down my face...
for how God worked in my life during that time and has worked in my life since then, AND for my daughter's unconditional and unending love & perseverance, AND also for the countless millions who have died and are dying of prescription drug addiction imposed on them by their trusted physicians who have taken a solemn oath to "do no harm".
My story doesn't end here.
There was my coma...
my psychotic breakdown...
my time in cardiac intensive care...
and more...
lots, lots more.
There is so much you need to know.
This is only the first in a series of many articles I plan to write.
I am on a mission...
a mission to STOP the Murder by unscrupulous doctors all over the face of the earth who are killing innocent people in the name of the almighty dollar!!! Please...
stay tuned and come back to read more so that you can help me save lives...
maybe your child's...
maybe your friend's..
maybe your spouse...
maybe even yours.
"The LORD bless you and keep you; The LORD make His face shine upon you, And be gracious to you; The LORD lift up His countenance upon you, And give you peace.
"' (Numbers 6:24-26, NKJV)