Health & Medical Addiction & Recovery

Having a Stop Smoking Plan - Why Having a Plan is Essential to Your Success

Why is it important to have a stop smoking plan? Many people each day decide to kick the habit and with all good intentions go out and try and do exactly that, to quit.
Needless to say, it is not as easy a task as it may sound.
Most people fail because they fail to properly plan how they are going to quit! Yes it sounds crazy, why do you need a plan, if you are going to quit, then you are going to quit.
However, what about the times when you are tempted to smoke, what about the cravings that you will experience, what about your friends smoking, etc.
These are all the many factors that if not planned for, could well knock you off your path to quitting.
They do say that if you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.
Quitting smoking is no exception.
Having a stop smoking strategy is important and will massively increase your success in your goal.
One of your first goals is to write down your goal to quit smoking and make sure it is top of your agenda.
Writing your goal down, you are much more likely to succeed.
In addition to writing your goal down, make sure you write a date for when you want to be a non-smoker by.
Having your goals written down sends a powerful message to your subconscious mind that will help you on your way.
Writing it down also gives your confidence that you can do it and makes the task and its successful completion much more real.
As part of your plan, you need to write down strategies to cope with moments of weakness, when temptations arise and be sure that they will.
You need a coping mechanism to fall back on.
If you lapse and end up smoking, then not only will you feel bad in yourself but you will find it harder to keep on going and see the whole process through.
Better to setup processes to cope with all eventualities.
As you can see, with proper planning which is essential, there is no reason why you cannot quit smoking [http://www.
org] and have it be a smooth journey.

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