Health & Medical Addiction & Recovery

Where to Find Resources in Quitting Smoking

So finally, you have reached the decision to quit your addiction to nicotine.
By doing this decision, you should be confident that you are already half-way in achieving your goal.
At this stage I'm pretty sure you are now feeling the bad effects of smoking, not only to your health but also to your wallet.
And this realization and acceptance is badly needed in order for you to succeed easily.
In my smoking career, before I was able to quit, I was at loss where to start and the only method I know to stop my addiction was "cold turkey.
" This method didn't help much at the beginning because no matter what I do, I couldn't last the day without a cigarette.
So to cut it short, I suffered many failures before I discovered the different resources and methods out there to help you quit.
As I mentioned earlier, you have to change your way of thinking about smoking if you want to increase your chances of success.
You have to accept that you are addicted to nicotine and you have to accept that smoking is bad and detrimental to your life as a whole.
Once you have maintained this belief in your mind you will soon despise smoking and will strengthen your desire to quit.
Quit smoking books are great resources to help you stop smoking.
Most of these books were written by people who were ex-smokers so you would expect to read their own story and hard facts about the reality in fighting nicotine addiction.
Not only will it give you psychological boost, reading them frequently will help you gain confidence that will make you become an ex-smoker like the author.
There are dozens of quit smoking books, try visiting amazon.
com and find one that will help you quit today.
You will also find unlimited number of resources on the Internet.
You will find stop smoking blogs, forums, communities, message boards and thousands of articles from leading websites created to help smokers stop their habit and addiction.
Just search the Internet to find these vast sources of information.
Now, if you are someone like me who finds it hard to quit after using the resources above, there are many Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) products in the market to help you cope during your withdrawal period.
These NRT products are usually gum and patches.
If you have any reservation in using them, you should talk first to your doctor.
But honestly, the patch helped me quit during my first day when I decided to stop and quit cold turkey after using it in a couple of days.
There are also other alternative methods like hypnotism, acupuncture, going to quit smoking clinics, joining smoking cessation groups, etc.
What I am trying to point out here is that you have many resources to choose from if you fail to quit using the cold turkey method.
And the most important thing is you never give up quitting until you become the next happy ex-smoker in your community.

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