Quit Smoking Cigarettes - It's Hard, But Not Because of Nicotine - Part 2
Addiction to cigarettes (nicotine) has been used as a rationalization as to why it is so hard to quit smoking. The truth is, nicotine does not present the characteristics of a physical addiction and nicotine replacement protocols are not very effective. The real cause of the difficulty to simply qui
Easy Lung Repair After Smoking to Eliminate a Cough and Get Your Health Back
Smoking has a wide variety of negative health effects and can affect nearly every organ in the body. But the organs that are most adversely influenced are your lungs. Of course, as everybody knows, your lungs help you breathe.
"how I Stopped Smoking & You Can Too"
Stopping smoking doesn't have to be that difficult...With a little planning and the right tools you can get off to a flying start AND succeed in a very quick time...Trust me I've been there!
When is the Right Time to Quit Smoking? Choosing a Good Time to Quit
Many people try to quit smoking on a special day-perhaps New Years, on a Monday, or the National Smoke Out. However, this may not be the best time for you to quit smoking. If you've tried to quit on a special day like this, and failed, you may want to reconsider. Find the time that's going
Drug Tolerance: The 7 Clinical Types
There are 7 types of tolerance to chemical substances, all of which have at least some impact on the processes of drug abuse and addiction.Tolerance invariably leads many addiction-prone people to use more and more of a substance in order to achieve the same results, but there's more to it than
Three Reasons Why You Need to Stop Smoking
Are you struggling to stop smoking? Then you are not alone. There are millions of people who struggle with this battle.
Ecigarettes- your stick to a healthful life
Now there is no way that you wants to start counseling anybody around the hazards of using tobacco! We moreover be aware that addicts come in one easy word- addicts. What we should need to ...
U.S. Adult Smoking Rate Falls to New Low
CDC says less than 17 percent are lighting up, but big gap remains between well-off and poor
Why Vaporizers are very Fashionable Nowadays?
You might have noticed how vaporizers have rose in popularity over the past few years. It simply appears like it's the factor within the healthcare and wellness business, as a therapy machine. Also, it's become ...
Co-Dependency Institute of Glenwood Springs CO
Substance abuse services offered by Co-Dependency Institute of Glenwood Springs CO.
Recovery From Alcoholism Is Not A One Man Show
Alcoholism is a disabling addictive disorder in which a person has an involuntary compulsion to consume alcoholic substances with such quantity and frequency that their health and life are significantly compromised. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), there are approximately 140 millio
Clare Foundation of Santa Monica CA
Substance abuse services offered by Clare Foundation of Santa Monica CA.
How to Report Child Abuse in Arkansas
Toll free telephone number for reporting suspected child abuse or neglect in Arkansas.
Eau Claire Academy of Eau Claire WI
Mental health and substance abuse services offered by Eau Claire Academy of Eau Claire WI
Annual Lung Cancer Screening May Cut Deaths
Research suggests it may be possible to cut lung cancer deaths by widespread use of computed tomography (CT) screening.
How To Quit Smoking - Why Do You Really Smoke?
The answer I usually get when I ask why do you smoke is, well its obvious isn't it I'm addicted. Well that may be the case for you but I am suggesting that if you really want to know how to quit smoking, then you need to get very serious about this question.
A Rehab Center Provides Services to Those That Are Sick Or Suffer From Addiction
A rehab center is not the same as a nursing home since the focus on nursing homes is long-term health care for the elderly or severely ill, but rehabilitation centers are for short-term treatment in order to help the individual through various addictions. Other ways in which rehabilitation centers h
Younger-Looking and Healthier Body After Quitting Smoking
When you quit smoking, you'll reap many physical benefits.Your taste buds come back to life.Your sense of smell improves.Your voice may improve as irritation of the voice box (larynx) from cigarette smoke is reduced.Your hair and breath will no longer smell like smoke.You can breathe more ...
5 Ways to Support a Loved One in Drug Rehab
Family involvement before, during, and after drug rehab is essential. But certain types of involvement are not helpful and can actually make the situation worse. Here are five ways to play a positive role in your loved one's recovery.