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How to Recover Old Copy Paste Files in Windows XP

    • 1). Click "Start," then "All Programs" and click "Accessories" from the list of programs. A sub-menu will open. Select "System Tools" and then click "Backup" from the list. The Backup or Restore Wizard window will open.

    • 2). Click the "Next" button, and click the check button next to "Restore files and settings." Click "Next" to go to the What to Restore page in the wizard.

    • 3). Click the scrolling bars in the Items to restore box, and drag them left to right or up and down to navigate the files. All of the Windows XP backups will be located in the Items to restore box. Select the check box next to any folder or drive that contains the file you want to restore.

    • 4). Double-click the folder or drive to reveal its contents in the window to the right. Select the check-box next to the file you want to restore and click the "Next" button. The wizard will restore the file back to its original location. Click "Finish" to close the wizard when it has completed.

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