How to Prevent Deforestation
Everyone in the world would do well to know how to prevent deforestation. The profound effects of deforestation on the world are getting increasingly worse. More and more natural disasters are occurring every year, in all parts of the world. The tsunami in Phuket, the disastrous, devastating effects of Hurricane Katrina, and dozens of other disasters have left the communities they touch in ruins. Not so long ago, it seemed like we only needed to worry about deforestation in the rain forest. Now, however, it is occurring in every imaginable location. Trees and vegetation are being destroyed to make room for housing and businesses. The far reaching implications of this occurrence are almost too horrible to even consider – but we must, for the sake of our environment.
Every person can do his or her part to prevent deforestation. Doing so is surprisingly simple. Every individual gesture helps; the gesture may seem small right now, but each one is like a ripple in a pond, which grows larger and larger. In order to neutralise a negative event, one must counter it with a positive one. To counteract the removal of trees, simply plant some more. Doing this in the yard of one's own home can have a hugely positive effect. It also makes life healthier. After all, every tree, big or small, gives off oxygen. Trees also contain water, which guards and protects against soil erosion.
Naturally, recycling does wonders too. Quite a lot of things most people use in their day to day lives can be recycled. This includes books, paper products, shopping bags, bottles, and cans, just to name a few. This prevents the need for raw material to make new products. With paper products, this is especially important, as trees are, of course, used to make paper. Once, recycled paper seemed like a novelty. Now it is a necessity, and even some companies and businesses are using recycled products.
Those who farm the land should consider crop rotation. These means planting new crops in the plot of land from which other crops have recently been harvested. That way, new plots of land need not be used. Crop rotation actually makes for more fertile soil as well.
Sometimes, trees do have to be cut down. However, only mature trees should be cut. Saplings should be left to grow and thrive. It is also an excellent practice to make up for every tree cut down by planting a new tree.
Whenever possible, firewood should not be used to heat the house. Rather, coals are a much more environmentally safe alternative. Firewood is consumed in just a few hours. However, the tree which produced that wood took years to grow to maturity. Conversely, coals can burn for quite a while. They will not only keep the house warmer, they will also be safer for the environment and monumental in preventing deforestation.
Trees have long been a valuable resource. They provide food, oxygen, shade, and beauty. However, although with more and more animals and natural resources every year, they are in danger of disappearing altogether.
Every person can do his or her part to prevent deforestation. Doing so is surprisingly simple. Every individual gesture helps; the gesture may seem small right now, but each one is like a ripple in a pond, which grows larger and larger. In order to neutralise a negative event, one must counter it with a positive one. To counteract the removal of trees, simply plant some more. Doing this in the yard of one's own home can have a hugely positive effect. It also makes life healthier. After all, every tree, big or small, gives off oxygen. Trees also contain water, which guards and protects against soil erosion.
Naturally, recycling does wonders too. Quite a lot of things most people use in their day to day lives can be recycled. This includes books, paper products, shopping bags, bottles, and cans, just to name a few. This prevents the need for raw material to make new products. With paper products, this is especially important, as trees are, of course, used to make paper. Once, recycled paper seemed like a novelty. Now it is a necessity, and even some companies and businesses are using recycled products.
Those who farm the land should consider crop rotation. These means planting new crops in the plot of land from which other crops have recently been harvested. That way, new plots of land need not be used. Crop rotation actually makes for more fertile soil as well.
Sometimes, trees do have to be cut down. However, only mature trees should be cut. Saplings should be left to grow and thrive. It is also an excellent practice to make up for every tree cut down by planting a new tree.
Whenever possible, firewood should not be used to heat the house. Rather, coals are a much more environmentally safe alternative. Firewood is consumed in just a few hours. However, the tree which produced that wood took years to grow to maturity. Conversely, coals can burn for quite a while. They will not only keep the house warmer, they will also be safer for the environment and monumental in preventing deforestation.
Trees have long been a valuable resource. They provide food, oxygen, shade, and beauty. However, although with more and more animals and natural resources every year, they are in danger of disappearing altogether.