Home & Garden Pest Control

All You Need to Know About Termites

Almost every home is infected by termites.
Considered to be as organized in colonies they form as bees or ants, termites have today become a common sight in every place, especially the ones which make use of wood.
This is precisely why termite treatment has gained immense popularity these days.
However, before going in for any kind of treatment, some basic information about termites should be known so as to effectively get rid of them.
It must be remembered that for killing termites you don't just need to kill one or a bunch- you need to treat the entire colony together! The colonies of termites too are classified as Queens, soldiers, workers and reproductives- each performing their specific function.
While queen is the one who initiates the formation of a colony, her soldiers defend it.
The workers, on one hand, gather food and tend to the eggs while the reproductives on the other hand, as their name suggests, perform the task of reproduction and infestation.
Depending upon the type of specie they belong to, they can exist not just in wood but also on trees, below ground, on mounds above the ground or in thin poles.
In fact, termites have the unique capability of building a tunnel into your house even if they don't exist within it! For extracting their food out of your place, they would build up their colony right next to your house and approach their food source from right under your feet! If calculated in terms of financial loss, termites have caused a destruction in the United States alone which is worth billions of dollars! It is not just your wooden articles or your garden trees which are exposed to their attack, but it is also your furniture, books and even swimming pools- which are vulnerable to their strike.
Rather a number of real estate companies these days make it a point to conduct a thorough termite inspection before they purchase or sell any house.
The biggest asset of termites is to dangerously harm your place and that too completely without your knowledge! It might actually be years altogether before you actually come to detect that your house is infested! A study on termites reveals that it requires just a few months for termites to consume a full foot of wood! Nevertheless, just like every problem has a solution, this difficulty too can be effectively controlled.
At first you would need professional help to determine the amount and extent of damage which has been caused.
Once this has been fixed, you can turn to a variety of options available in the market for controlling their growth and inhibiting their further development.
A variety of products which would help you conveniently get rid of termites throng the marketplace.
All you need to do is strengthen your knowledge about termites and then go to buy the solution which would aid you in expelling them from your house.
It is indeed only after you know what they are, that you can efficiently eliminate them.

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