Home & Garden Pest Control

Steps You Can Take To Avoid Ever Having To Spend Money On A Fungicide

There are several steps you can take to avoid having to spend money on a fungicide.
The fungicide we are talking about here is any chemical used to kill fungi.
Fungi are micro-organisms (like bacteria) which, depending on their specific varieties, can either be useful to human beings or harmful.
Useful fungi would include those we use to leaven flour (since yeast is a type of fungi), as well as those used in making medications (for instance, penicillin, in whose preparation fungi are of prime importance).
There are also some types of fungi that are directly used as food, an example of those being the mushrooms.
Nobody would have any intention to kill such useful fungi, although most fungicides would be effective in killing them too, should such useful fungi be exposed to the fungicides.
There are, however, some fungi that are harmful, those being fungi that cause diseases to human beings, or fungi that cause diseases to plants which human beings grow (or animals that human beings keep).
There are also some fungi that are known to destroy human property: like those which will tend to infect clothes that are stored for long in less than ideal circumstances.
It is these harmful fungi that we seek to eliminate through the use of fungicides.
Fungicides, like other chemicals used in organism control, are expensive.
It doesn't help matters that a lot of time has to be spent in spraying them, and that in most cases, you either have to buy or hire the equipment used in spraying them, or else pay someone to spray them for you.
In the course of their usage, lots of other useful organisms (for instance, the useful fungi in this case) end up being eliminated.
They are not altogether environmentally friendly either.
And in most cases, by the time we are thinking of making use of them, a lot of harm will already have been incurred.
But there are some fungi control steps you can take, to avoid ending up in a situation where you have to spend any money on a fungicide.
Such steps would include: - Maintaining proper hygienic standards wherever you don't want the fungi to get a foothold: this is because, like all other microorganisms, the fungi thrive in 'less than hygienic' environments.
Therefore, to the extent that you can maintain high hygienic standards, it becomes very difficult for the fungi to get a foothold.
- Controlling humidity: fungi do well in humid environments, hence the need to control humidity in settings where you want to avoid fungal attacks (for instance, in closets where you store your stuff).
- Careful selection of planting materials: most of the fungi that find their way into our gardens and farms do so through planting materials (when we happen to plant infected planting materials).
But using certified planting materials only, and ensuring that you only make use of sterile planting equipment, it is possible to avoid such fungal attacks.
- Poor drainage is another major cause of fungal attacks in gardens and lawns, and by ensuring proper drainage, you would have done a lot towards avoiding having to spend money on fungicides, especially in the name of controlling soil-based fungal attacks.

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