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Yoga Marketing – How to find Niche within Yoga - Part 1

Running a yoga studio requires taking into consideration several important aspects. Yoga marketing consists of series of steps. Whether you run a yoga studio or teaching one to one classes you must first discover your niche within yoga.

Keep in mind your target audience in your yoga business. Begin by asking yourself these questions:
  • What kind of people am I trying to attract with my business?
  • What sex and age group am I catering to?
  • Are there a certain group of people who would most likely seek my services?
  • Which population in my business area would benefit most from my type of yoga expertise?

Your marketing plan for yoga business would be hugely based on the crowd you are catering to. Whether you are selling your expertise of yoga online or locally within your area, as your potential customers will determine the direction you have to take to succeed. By constantly catering to the needs of your clients, you gain stability and persevere in your niche.

However don't set too rigid rules for your business. Allow room for exploration and flexibility as most yoga business coaching would advise you to do.

People are drawn to someone who is completely dedicated and passionate about his or her field of expertise. Aside from selecting yoga teachers who are passionate to share their knowledge to others, it is also important that you as the proprietor have faith in your calling. Again it all begins by answering questions such as:
  • What is it that you love most about yoga?
  • What particular style are you most committed to?
  • What is your purpose for creating a yoga business?
  • Do you like teaching lessons and workshops?
  • Do you wish to share your expertise to all?

Discover deep inside what you love most about yoga for no matter what it is, it would be uniquely yours to hold onto. Unknowingly it will be the core that would bring life to your yoga marketing. The crowd would always recognize you for the heart you place into your yoga niche.

With a broad spectrum to choose from, narrowing down to a specific niche of your choice is not an easy task. However there are simple steps you could follow to find what fits right for you.
  • Determine what practitioners like to achieve with their practice of yoga.
  • Constantly be in a cycle of question and answer with your clients to learn what they are expecting and their purpose for practicing yoga.
  • Weigh what the people want to what you can offer. Is it a type of yoga expertise you are comfortable with? Does it cover your field of practice?

Another important aspect to consider is the location where you are going to teach. They will pinpoint your ideal clients. Even when you're into offering yoga online, you could also determine the type of people who frequent your site for information. Through the use of chat boxes, blogs, and forums, you could learn what they are searching for.

Don't ever think twice. Communication is the key to succeed in establishing your business. Always remember, simply ask what people want then provide a solution.

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