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Info Marketing Booms When The Price Is Right

Sometimes its true that the less you know, the better you do.

Id like to share a little story with you. Its got to do with price points and something that happened to me when I was just starting out.

You might already know that I started the multi-million-dollar business I have now from nothing. I really did start it in my bedroom. That was in 2001. I had just wrapped up some work I was doing with a real estate agent. I didnt even have a job. I literally didnt know what I was going to do next.

Well, a friend of mine, the information marketing expert Dean Jackson, had been selling some e-books online, and he told me I should try it out. He showed me a few things, and it looked like something I could do, too.

So I sat down and wrote my own e-book. It took me about three weeks. I just kind of knocked it out, based on my own experience.

After that, I went online and taught myself how to do HTML. I learned how to make a web site, how to set up e-mail lists, and how to do pay-per-click marketing. I begged and borrowed knowledge. I was will to do whatever it took to start a business online. Thank goodness, I didnt have to steal anything.

But I did read bookslots of them. I talked to people already doing Internet marketing. I studied web sites. Getting started was an interesting ride.

After a few months, I was up and running with my first information product. I had a downloadable PDF book that I was selling for $29.95. I know its hard to believe now, but it wasnt even password protected.

Anyway, it was available at last. I was probably selling a maximum of five or six books in one day. And that wasnt all that bad, right? That was $150 to $180 a day in gross sales. I was pretty happy with that.

Then, after a while, I decided to do a price test. I changed the price from $29.95 to $39.95. I remember it clearly. It was right before I took a trip to visit a couple of my friends down the coast. I drove down to see them, and we spent a day hanging out together.

Well, at the end of the day, we went back to where they were staying. I asked to borrow one of their computers, so I could check out my sales stats online. I logged on andlo and beholdI had sold TEN copies of my book!

Just take a moment to about that. I only made one change. I had raised the price. I raised it by 33%, and I had my record sales day$400 in sales. I remember sitting there, looking at the screen, and thinking, $400 Bucks! Thats $12,000 a month! Im free!

I think I must have been out of the classroom when the topic was Elasticity Curves. And thats a good thing, because later one of my friends explained the theory to me. Apparently, the lower your price, the more you sell, and the higher your price, the less you sell. Go figure.

Anyway, it just goes to show that you dont need a Ph.D. in Macro-Economics to be able to make money online through Internet marketing. Just get out there with an information product, set a reasonable price, and then move it around. Test it and let the market tell you what price is right.

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Neil Asher ( has built five multi-million dollar companies from zero, including one he took to $8 million in sales in under two years. He has created and sold successful franchises in England, Italy, Ireland, Australia and South Africa. Visit his web site for access to 17 FREE videos, 6 FREE books and two hours of audio training, revealing How To Make BIG Money Selling Information Products On The InternetEven If You Dont Have A Website And Youve Never Sold Anything On The Internet Before.

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