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Article Writing: How Can You Make $120 an Hour Writing 500 Words While Building Your Business?

What are the real numbers when it comes to article writing? Is it worth your time? Google is putting less value on back links created by writing articles.
The other well known benefit of article writing is click generation.
This article looks at what might be average numbers for an average article writer.
What are the questions? What niche are you writing for? How interesting a writer are you? How good is your inticement to get your readers to click on the link that leads to your website? How long will your content "stand up" without going stale? How fast can you come up with good fresh article ideas? How fast can you write and post a 500 word article? What is a good monthly average amount of clicks from one article? How about 10 clicks to your website from an average article per month? Let's say you are able to write an article which avoids all the available pitfalls.
It isn't a barn burner, but it isn't a dog.
Let's say, that over time your average article averages 120 clicks to your website per year.
What is a click to your website worth? My daughter repairs iPhones in a very competitive market.
She has paid Google AdWords as much as $7 for one click to her website.
The other extreme might be an online business where you are selling a ebook titled: "The Size of Dirt Clods on Kansas Farms During the 1930s" - and clicks from AdWords might only be 5 cents each (and impossible to generate at that).
My daughter can make sense out of paying $7 for each click.
It takes 3 clicks on average, to generate a repair which produces a net profit of $33.
What are your numbers? What is a realistic value for a click to your website? If you have not used AdWords to buy clicks, it is hard to say.
5 years of experience with AdWords might suggest an average value of $1 - again, depending on your niche.
How about some easy math? If your average article generates 10 clicks to your website each month for 3 years and each click is worth $1, what is the total value of the clicks generated by your average article? 10 clicks x 12 months = 120 clicks a year x 3 years = 360 clicks x $1 = $360.
How long does it take you to write a 500 word article? How fast do you think? How fast do you type? If you type 80 words a minute and think like lightning in a thunderstorm, you can produce an article and post it in about 20 minutes.
Let's say it takes you an hour.
What is your rate of pay for writing articles? Well, once the article is posted or published, it doesn't require maintenance.
So, if one hour of your time created $360 of value (even though it comes to your over a 3 year period) - that is $360 an hour, isn't it? Will this article you're reading generate 10 clicks a month for 3 years or more? I have written many articles.
This article probably will produce at that level.
Let's say it doesn't - and 5 clicks a month is the best it will do.
What is the value of my hour spent? It would be half of $360 or $180.
That is not too bad a deal, is it? Conclusion: Will all your articles generate at least 10 clicks a month for 3 years? No.
Some will and some won't.
The secret is, some writers have articles which generate hundreds of clicks a month for 3 years or more.
Again, there are many varibles.
Is there one thing for sure? The one sure thing is this: Quality content is king now and will be 3 years from now.
Jump in and start writing.
Find out what works and what doesn't.
Your honed writing skills can be used in many places.
For example, you can offer to be a guest blogger for someone else's blog.
The world of possibilities open up when you can write.
What should you do next?

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