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Pros & Cons of Web Conferencing


    • Self-installing downloads remove the danger of users incorrectly installing web conferencing software. The hardware for video conferencing now comes as an integrated part of any computer. Those who do not have an integrated microphone, mouse and webcam can buy a "Plug 'n Play" package of equipment for very little money. A down side of these systems, though is that they occupy a lot of space on the home computer. They also use a lot of bandwidth and customers with metered broadband could find their allocation exceeded every month and override charges applied.

    Personal Use

    • Web conferencing includes one to one communication. This enables family members and friends to keep in touch in a more personal manner than by mail or telephone. Grandparents can see their grandchildren and those children are less likely to forget grandparents who live a long way away and are unable to visit regularly. A disadvantage to this application, however, is that no everyone is comfortable with the technology and you can't always be looking your best. Once you have video conferencing software installed on your computer, your contacts are able to see you are online and are liable to try connecting to you, even though you might be badly dressed with your hair a mess.

    Educational Use

    • Web conferencing systems can also be used for business training or for academic lectures. When video conferencing systems are used for seminars, they are called "webinars." This cuts down on travel costs and creates a wider audience for training companies and colleges. Private individuals who might not be able to afford the high inscription fees, travel and accommodation associated with going on a specialized training course would incur lower costs attending a webinar. The ability to integrate file sharing and presentation software enhances the educational progress. A disadvantage of turning a lecture or training course into a web conference is that in two way communication, any participant would be able to interrupt the lecturer and hinder progress of the course. Blocking trainees from contributing would hamper their ability to seek clarification.

    Business Use

    • Collaboration between far flung colleagues is enhanced by web conferencing. More information can be exchanged along side the discussion. Working relationships are strengthened by visual contact between people who would otherwise be unlikely to meet. Phone conversations allow anonymity and some members of a conference call tune out, or switch to other tasks. Web conferencing puts participants on display and they are more likely to pay attention when they know they are being watched. The ease of establishing a web conference can be a disadvantage. Staff members might end up being pestered by colleagues who request too many web conference - a similar problem to employees who copy their boss in on every email, thus filling his Inbox with irrelevant correspondence.

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