Tanks for the Memories - What Religious and Political Leadership Needs is a Good Enema
Well I have to say that the Israelis certainly know the principle of an eye for an eyelash and are busy throwing a tantrum that can only lead to worse everything as we know it.
When I think of the current leaders and governments on the planet, the term sh-- for brains comes readily to mind.
Here are a few things to consider as we watch this latest comedy of tragic errors which began for Americans on 9-11 when the American people were lied to as to the need to go to war and slaughter a few hundred thousand more relatively innocent souls,andtrash the Constitutionto boot.
For the Middle East,it was when Ariel Sharon insisted on going to pray where he was not welcome to pray, but boy did he show them.
Respect for sensitivities is not a big priority with these guys.
Who the hell are these guys praying to anyway, and what are they praying for?Is the mess today the answer to prayer?You gotta love religion!Maybe all this is an answer to all the prayers that go up every day across the planet by the big three.
No wonder I like Buddhists and Hindus better than the Holy Trinity Doctines ofof Kill 'Em all and let God sort them out.
Anyway, here are a few things to keep in mind as we hear our President tell us Israel is merely defending itself and we will always support them in doing so, so this is all good.
I'd also like to remind the Fundamentalist Christians of just how well their plans to coerce Jesus to return are going.
So here we go.
121 Israeli children have been killed by Palestinians and 734 Palestinian children have been killed by Israelis since September 29, 2000.
Of course it's more for each by now, but you get the point.
It's good to kill children.
They did it all the time in the Old Testament and since it was directed by God himself, well, it's a good thing.
It's evidently a good think to keep going back to that book as the how and why we do what we do to children in the 21st century.
1,084 Israelis and 4,020 Palestinians have been killed since September 29, 2000.
Again, it's a few more of some but a lot more of some others.
So it seems a bit contrived to think that all this current bombing and bravado is based on two kidnapped soldiers.
Don't tell anyone...
but it was planned long ago.
Israelis and Palestinians Injured Since September 29, 2000 7,633 Israelis and 30,281 Palestinians have been injured since September 29, 2000 4.
The U.
gives $15,139,178 per day to the Israeli government and military and $232,290 per day to Palestinian NGO's.
Don't ya love how the government uses your tithes...
well ok, your three tithes? 5.
Israel has been targeted by at least 65 UN resolutions and the Palestinians have been targeted by none.
5 Israelis are being held prisoner by Palestinians, while 9,599 Palestinians are currently imprisoned by Israel.
Of course ONE Israeli life is worth 2000 Palestinian lives.
That's the difference between being God's Chosen People, and just folks.
"Since the beginning of the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories in 1967, over 650,000 Palestinians have been detained by Israel.
This forms approximately 20% of the total Palestinian population in the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT).
" Well it might be the only way these guys get a decent meal! 7.
Demolitions of Israeli and Palestinian Homes 0 Israeli homes have been demolished by Palestinians and 4,170 Palestinian homes have been demolished by Israel since September 29, 2000.
The Housing Boom for Palestinians is always a bust.
But it's ok, they don't need them anyway.
New Jewish-only settlements have been built on confiscated Palestinian land between March 2001 and July 11, 2003.
There have been 0 cases of Palestinians confiscating Israeli land and building settlements.
A Palestinian woman did run into an Israeli home once with the family car, but she was shot along with her children, so that one didn't count.
The Israeli unemployment rate is 8.
9%, while the Palestinian unemployment is estimated at 25-31%.
It's always a good policy to keep people from gainful work so they can, as Mr.
Bush says, "Put food on their families.
"It makes them gentle and feel good about their future.
(Source: If America Knew) After awhile, one gets the distinct impression that what happens, is planned to happen, orchestrated to happen and wanted to happen.
The annonymous "They" keep doing things like this to good Americans, Israelis, Palestinians, Iraqis, Iranians, Syrians and Lebanese.
And you know what?I don't have a clue as to what to do about it.
I'm feeling stomped, taken advantage of, manipulated, lied to, bamboozled and conned.
Maybe Neo-conned.
Perhaps soon they will be known more as NECRO-Cons.
The day will come when we, the average, the normal, the sincere, will ask ourselves if indeed we did have Sh..
for brains allowing this to be.
But we'll also note that our own government has made us feel threatened for speaking up and way too watched.
Feels a bit more like 1937 than 1967.
Religion gone bad is what it seems.
Say one thing, do another.
Talk about peace and start a war.
Support the jerks and squash the little people.
This bullshit of the Middle East has been going on since the day I was born.
Goofy fundamentalists think we need to get Jerusalem surrounded by armies so the end can come...
Hey stay tuned, it could happen.
Although you might end up with everything but the Second Coming and a huge sanitation problem.
Israel is going to others what Germans did to them.
Nothing learned there I guess.
No one seems to know how to sit down and talk and "America" for it is not I or you that really does this, but rather the guy at the UN who doesn't speak for me, vetoes every good idea that comes along.
This makes me think that good ideas interfere with agendas, or as my CIA friend told me, "NOTHING IN THIS WORLD IS WHAT YOU ARE BEING TOLD DENNIS.
" Thanks, that's great to know, although I suspected it on just about all topics of Religion, Politics and just who "pulled" the number 7 building in NY the after noon of Sept.
11, 2001 Do these building come with built in explosives to bring them down in case you need to cover up something?Sorry, just because in the history of fire, such buildings have never collapsed and in one day, three, owned by the same man, collapse when they should not have makes me wonder.
At any rate, There may be Father, Son and Holy Ghost in Theology, but there is Christianity, Islam and Judaism in Religion and I'm not all that impressed with the leadership they put out there.
The people are great, but those leaders are stinkers, mostly liars and opportunists,it seems and often killers who actually seem to enjoy it.
I betcha they don't look at the real pictures of the real people who get in their harms way!Maybe we should force them to before bed each night so there is a chance they can stop it.
Or maybe show the pictures to their wives and let them work on the guy!Gosh, I'm afraid our leader would say something in a somewhat mocking tone like "oh please don't kill me...
"and go back to reading "Where's Waldo.
" Living on this planet is serious business.
We all want to live quiet, safe, successful lives with children learning and not burning.
We want tears because things can be hilariously funny and fun, not tragic and mind melting.
We'd like black and yellow, red and white to really be precious not only in Jesus, Allah's and YHWH's sight, but since they really don't show up often to help us out, in OUR site! A simple message to world leaders, so called as you spin us into things we can't afford and pictures of what your people do to people...
Step down if you can't do better than this, grow up before you are too old to think or pee properly and pray your savior does not really return, because at this moment, you are not on his thank you list.
When I think of the current leaders and governments on the planet, the term sh-- for brains comes readily to mind.
Here are a few things to consider as we watch this latest comedy of tragic errors which began for Americans on 9-11 when the American people were lied to as to the need to go to war and slaughter a few hundred thousand more relatively innocent souls,andtrash the Constitutionto boot.
For the Middle East,it was when Ariel Sharon insisted on going to pray where he was not welcome to pray, but boy did he show them.
Respect for sensitivities is not a big priority with these guys.
Who the hell are these guys praying to anyway, and what are they praying for?Is the mess today the answer to prayer?You gotta love religion!Maybe all this is an answer to all the prayers that go up every day across the planet by the big three.
No wonder I like Buddhists and Hindus better than the Holy Trinity Doctines ofof Kill 'Em all and let God sort them out.
Anyway, here are a few things to keep in mind as we hear our President tell us Israel is merely defending itself and we will always support them in doing so, so this is all good.
I'd also like to remind the Fundamentalist Christians of just how well their plans to coerce Jesus to return are going.
So here we go.
121 Israeli children have been killed by Palestinians and 734 Palestinian children have been killed by Israelis since September 29, 2000.
Of course it's more for each by now, but you get the point.
It's good to kill children.
They did it all the time in the Old Testament and since it was directed by God himself, well, it's a good thing.
It's evidently a good think to keep going back to that book as the how and why we do what we do to children in the 21st century.
1,084 Israelis and 4,020 Palestinians have been killed since September 29, 2000.
Again, it's a few more of some but a lot more of some others.
So it seems a bit contrived to think that all this current bombing and bravado is based on two kidnapped soldiers.
Don't tell anyone...
but it was planned long ago.
Israelis and Palestinians Injured Since September 29, 2000 7,633 Israelis and 30,281 Palestinians have been injured since September 29, 2000 4.
The U.
gives $15,139,178 per day to the Israeli government and military and $232,290 per day to Palestinian NGO's.
Don't ya love how the government uses your tithes...
well ok, your three tithes? 5.
Israel has been targeted by at least 65 UN resolutions and the Palestinians have been targeted by none.
5 Israelis are being held prisoner by Palestinians, while 9,599 Palestinians are currently imprisoned by Israel.
Of course ONE Israeli life is worth 2000 Palestinian lives.
That's the difference between being God's Chosen People, and just folks.
"Since the beginning of the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories in 1967, over 650,000 Palestinians have been detained by Israel.
This forms approximately 20% of the total Palestinian population in the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT).
" Well it might be the only way these guys get a decent meal! 7.
Demolitions of Israeli and Palestinian Homes 0 Israeli homes have been demolished by Palestinians and 4,170 Palestinian homes have been demolished by Israel since September 29, 2000.
The Housing Boom for Palestinians is always a bust.
But it's ok, they don't need them anyway.
New Jewish-only settlements have been built on confiscated Palestinian land between March 2001 and July 11, 2003.
There have been 0 cases of Palestinians confiscating Israeli land and building settlements.
A Palestinian woman did run into an Israeli home once with the family car, but she was shot along with her children, so that one didn't count.
The Israeli unemployment rate is 8.
9%, while the Palestinian unemployment is estimated at 25-31%.
It's always a good policy to keep people from gainful work so they can, as Mr.
Bush says, "Put food on their families.
"It makes them gentle and feel good about their future.
(Source: If America Knew) After awhile, one gets the distinct impression that what happens, is planned to happen, orchestrated to happen and wanted to happen.
The annonymous "They" keep doing things like this to good Americans, Israelis, Palestinians, Iraqis, Iranians, Syrians and Lebanese.
And you know what?I don't have a clue as to what to do about it.
I'm feeling stomped, taken advantage of, manipulated, lied to, bamboozled and conned.
Maybe Neo-conned.
Perhaps soon they will be known more as NECRO-Cons.
The day will come when we, the average, the normal, the sincere, will ask ourselves if indeed we did have Sh..
for brains allowing this to be.
But we'll also note that our own government has made us feel threatened for speaking up and way too watched.
Feels a bit more like 1937 than 1967.
Religion gone bad is what it seems.
Say one thing, do another.
Talk about peace and start a war.
Support the jerks and squash the little people.
This bullshit of the Middle East has been going on since the day I was born.
Goofy fundamentalists think we need to get Jerusalem surrounded by armies so the end can come...
Hey stay tuned, it could happen.
Although you might end up with everything but the Second Coming and a huge sanitation problem.
Israel is going to others what Germans did to them.
Nothing learned there I guess.
No one seems to know how to sit down and talk and "America" for it is not I or you that really does this, but rather the guy at the UN who doesn't speak for me, vetoes every good idea that comes along.
This makes me think that good ideas interfere with agendas, or as my CIA friend told me, "NOTHING IN THIS WORLD IS WHAT YOU ARE BEING TOLD DENNIS.
" Thanks, that's great to know, although I suspected it on just about all topics of Religion, Politics and just who "pulled" the number 7 building in NY the after noon of Sept.
11, 2001 Do these building come with built in explosives to bring them down in case you need to cover up something?Sorry, just because in the history of fire, such buildings have never collapsed and in one day, three, owned by the same man, collapse when they should not have makes me wonder.
At any rate, There may be Father, Son and Holy Ghost in Theology, but there is Christianity, Islam and Judaism in Religion and I'm not all that impressed with the leadership they put out there.
The people are great, but those leaders are stinkers, mostly liars and opportunists,it seems and often killers who actually seem to enjoy it.
I betcha they don't look at the real pictures of the real people who get in their harms way!Maybe we should force them to before bed each night so there is a chance they can stop it.
Or maybe show the pictures to their wives and let them work on the guy!Gosh, I'm afraid our leader would say something in a somewhat mocking tone like "oh please don't kill me...
"and go back to reading "Where's Waldo.
" Living on this planet is serious business.
We all want to live quiet, safe, successful lives with children learning and not burning.
We want tears because things can be hilariously funny and fun, not tragic and mind melting.
We'd like black and yellow, red and white to really be precious not only in Jesus, Allah's and YHWH's sight, but since they really don't show up often to help us out, in OUR site! A simple message to world leaders, so called as you spin us into things we can't afford and pictures of what your people do to people...
Step down if you can't do better than this, grow up before you are too old to think or pee properly and pray your savior does not really return, because at this moment, you are not on his thank you list.