Travel & Places Fly Fishing

A Guide to Spearfishing

Spearfishing is a traditional method of fishing since the ancient times. Now, instead of just a livelihood or source of income, many people consider this method as a recreational activity enjoyed by many adventure-seekers. To find out about spearfishing, take a closer look at some information below to have a basic idea of how it began and how it is being practiced today.

Brief History

In early civilization, the use of sharpened stick to fish out food from rivers and streams is a common method in gathering food. The earliest form of spearfishing was done on shallow waters. It was not until the 1920s that spearfishing became a sport, which later on developed with the use of diving gear and other breathing apparatus for deep water spearfishing. Today, spearfishing includes various modern tools like spear guns, slings, and other scuba diving apparatus. Spearfishing, however, never became an official Olympic sport despite the campaigns and efforts of avid divers and spearfishers. However, there is a long list of World Records for the largest catch ever made through spearfishing.

Basic Gears to Use

There are hundreds of spearfishing and diving gears you can choose from to make that ultimate experience. Basic gears include fins, mask, snorkel, and spear gun, not yet including the boat you need to travel to a great spearfishing location. When choosing the right gears, always pick the inconspicuous black color. You are like hunters in this sport and making sure your presence is unnoticeable will prove useful in this case. Select fins that are made for spearfishing rather than diving fins as these are narrower and longer, helping you achieve more speed and manageability under water. Quality is always top priority. Also, make sure spear guns are in perfect condition. Know more about spear guns here. You can always upgrade your gears when you gain more experience and skills along the way. You can find a spearfishing shop online for more info.

Travel Destinations

Spearfishing is well-known in various parts of the world. If you are looking for a location for great spearfishing activities, you can choose to make it one holiday trip to remember. In the US alone, there are several spearfishing destinations. Norfork Lake and Lake Ouachita in Arkansas are popular spearfishing destinations. In Mexico, you can go to Baja and try the Palapas Ventana and Gone to Baja spearfishing resort and island. Experienced and novice spearfishers and divers are welcomed in this popular tourist spot. Australia also features some good locations like Dirk Hartog Island and the Coral Coast in Queensland. Enjoy a great spear tours and other various recreational activities during your holiday.

Take note that spearfishing regulations are different in various states. Check local regulations first before spearfishing.

Safety Guide

Always have the appropriate gears with you when diving. Make sure you have a mirror, whistle, and dive flag for safety and practical purposes. Know what kinds of species you can expect in the location to know if you need any specific gear for the occasion. In spearfishing, it is important that you only hunt what you can eat. This is a code for spearfishers to avoid wasting or unnecessary hunting of fish. Conservation is still important in this kind of sport/activity.

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