Facts About Growing Speckled Butter Beans
- Pole lima or butter bean plants climb supports. The bush varieties do not require support. The Florida Butter Speckled variety is a common pole bean variety, while the Dixie Butterpea Speckled and the Jackson Wonder are bush varieties. The pole varieties produce more beans per square foot of garden space than the bush type.
- Butter bean seeds prefer warm soil with a temperature of 65 F or higher. They grow successfully in well-drained silt loam soil with a pH of 5.5 to 6.8 after the danger of frost is past. Approximately 8 oz. of seed are required to plant a 100-foot row. There are 100 to 120 butter bean seeds per ounce.
- Plant the butter bean seeds 1 to 1 1/2 inches deep. Space the bush variety seeds 2 to 3 inches apart. Place the rows 18 to 24 inches apart. Plant pole variety seeds 4 to 6 inches apart. Pole varieties require rows 30 to 36 inches apart. Four to six seeds may also be planted in hills about 30 inches apart.
- Butter bean bush varieties mature in 65 to 75 days, while the pole varieties require 85 to 110 days. The beans may be harvested when the pods are partially dry and the seeds green. Or the beans are harvested when the pods are completely dry.