Home & Garden Trees & Houseplants

How to Grow Bush Beans Indoors

    • 1). Fill a large half-barrel or a 12- to 24-inch planter with half peat and half perlite. Make sure the container has drainage holes in the bottom. Place a tray under the planter and place the planter and tray in a window with full sun.

    • 2). Plant beans seeds 1 inch deep and 3 inches apart. Set the seeds in a square, thinking of your planter as a mini-garden. Water the seeds deeply and keep them evenly moist until they sprout out of the pot.

    • 3). Water again when the soil dries to a depth of 2 inches. Do not water more often, as this will cause more problems then under-watering.

    • 4). Apply a water-soluble fertilizer marked 10-10-10 once a month to the bush beans. This will help the bean plant grow properly.

    • 5). Harvest the beans when they are the right size, which will differ depending on the cultivar. If you keep harvesting the beans the bush will produce more beans.

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