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16 Wishes (2010) - Movie Review for Parents Rating

Bottom line:16 Wishes presents a fresh take on the old "be careful what you wish for" adage. The movie conveys positive messages about friendship, values, and the perks of being a kid in a tween comedy/drama with a touch of romance.
TV Rating: TV-G
Genre: Comedy/Family/Tween Romance
Guide Age Recommendation: 8+
Runtime: 100 minutes

16 Wishes - Overview

Abby Jensen is 16, finally, and she wants it to be the perfect day.

Things start out all wrong, but her luck changes when a random woman offers her a box full of magical candles that have the power to make all of her birthday wishes come true.

For once, her arch rival Krista Cook (who also has her same birthday) won't be able to one up her on everything from the presents to the party. For once, people will notice her, and people won't treat her like a kid anymore. She and her best friend Jay start off on a wild ride as Abby lights the candles, closes her eyes, and blows them out one by one. Turning 16 is sweet when 16 wishes come true -- or is it?

16 Wishes - Guide Review for Parents

Sappy and sweet with a feel good message to make moms and kids happy, 16 Wishes is your typical Disney Channel Original movie. Abby Jensen starts her day with a bit of a bad teenage attitude and typical focus on clothes, parties, and popularity -- not to mention an ongoing bitter rivalry with the girl across the street. But, she ends the day an enlightened girl who is happy with who she is and what she has.

Young girls will enjoy this celebration of sweet 16 and the light mix of comedy, sentimentality, and a touch of romance.

16 Wishes conveys positive messages about being a good friend, being careful what you wish for, and remembering the important things in life. Also, Abby learns that being a kid has its perks, and there is no need to grow up too fast. The movie contains no profanity or other offensive content. No sweet 16 movie would be complete without a little romance, though, and there is one scene in which a boy and girl kiss.

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