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How to Remove Windows Genuine Advantage Notification 2008

    • 1). Reboot Windows. Click on the Start menu and select the option to restart the computer.

    • 2). Boot into Safe Mode. While the computer restarts, hold the F8 key to bring up Windows boot options. When prompted, select the option to start the computer in Safe Mode. Once Safe Mode is highlighted, press Enter.

    • 3). Open Registry Editor. You can open the registry editor by typing "regedit.exe" in the search bar on the bottom of the Start menu in Windows Vista and Windows 7.

    • 4). Search for "wgalogon." If your computer has the Windows Genuine Advantage tool installed on it, there will be a folder titled "wgalogon" in the registry. Right-click on the folder and delete it, or press the Delete key on your keyboard.

    • 5). Search for other "wga" files. Open the Windows search feature and search the Windows directory on your primary hard drive, usually the C drive. Search the directory for files that include "wga." Right-click on all WGA files and select Delete, which will send them to the Recycle Bin.

    • 6). Empty the Recycle Bin. Right click on the Recycle Bin, located on the desktop. Select the option to empty the bin. The remaining WGA files are now permanently deleted from the computer.

    • 7). Restart the computer. Choose the Restart option in the Start Menu, and wait for the computer to launch Windows. The WGA notifications should no longer appear in your taskbar.

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