Technology Microsoft Software & solutions

How to Set Associations in Vista

    • 1). Click the "Start" button on the taskbar.

    • 2). Select the "Control Panel" Option.

    • 3). Select "Programs" in the Control Panel window.

    • 4). Click the "Make a file type always open in a specific program" link under Default Programs.

    • 5). Select the file extension you want to change the program association for from the list.

    • 6). Click the "Change program..." button. An "Open With" window will open. The current associated program will be in the "Recommended Programs" section. Also, there may be other programs that can be associated with the file extension you have chosen. The specific program that Windows suggests you associate with the file will be highlighted.

    • 7). Select the program you want to have associated with the chosen file extension. If you do not see the program you want, click the "Browse..." button, and navigate to the location of the program you want to create the association with.

    • 8). Click the "OK" button once you have made your selection. The "Open With" window will close.

    • 9). Click the "Close" button to exit the "Associate a file type or protocol with a specific program" window.

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