Travel & Places Fly Fishing

Steelhead Fishing in Lewiston, Idaho


    Where and When

    • Plan your steelhead fishing trip for Lewiston between February and April to catch the B-run on the Clearwater. According to Bob Ruark (a longtime resident of Lewiston and steelhead fisherman) take a boat if you if you've got one, but you have a 50-50 chance of being just as successful fishing from the river bank. He also recommends fishing in the Clearwater. Steelhead taken from that river tend to weigh between 12 and 20 pounds. A typical steelhead caught in the smaller, nearby Grand Ronde River, for example, weighs between 6 and 8 pounds. Locals fish any time of day, but for best results fish at daybreak or late in the evening. Steelhead season opens October 15 and closes April 30. A-run is from October 15 to January 24, and B-run is from January 25 to April 30. Most A-run fish are younger and smaller than their B-run counterparts. Don't worry if you can't make it to Lewiston before April 30: Salmon season follows right on the heels of steelhead season.


    • Count on the local Fish and Game wardens checking that you haven't caught too many fish and that you have the necessary tags; if you go onto stretches of the river under reservation authority, the Nez Perce game wardens will do the same. For 2010, the Idaho Fish and Game daily limit steelhead in the Snake River is five, and no more than three can be 32 or more inches in length; the possession limit is 15, and no more than nine can be 32 or more inches in length. For the Clearwater River, the daily limit is three, the possession limit nine. You must release any wild steelhead you catch. You may keep the hatchery steelhead; these are easily recognized by their clipped fins. If you're in it for the sport or relaxation and not for the eating, remember you can fish near Lewiston year-round just so long as you release fish that are out of season.

    The Steelhead

    • Both the hatchery-bred and wild steelhead are real fighters: regardless of the fish's age or size, you can expect anywhere between an eight- to 45-minute struggle to land one. A-run fish are younger and smaller than the B-run fish, but are more numerous.

    Local Derbies

    • Both the Knights of Columbus and the city of Lewiston hold their own steelhead derby. The Snake Clearwater Derby (as the city of Lewiston refers to its derby) is held in the first two weeks of November, with the start and end date varying, with 2010's derby running between November 5 and 13 (see Resources). In the past, The Knights of Columbus derby was held in the first weeks of November and then followed by the Snake Clearwater Derby, but the dates of two derbies have converged to minimize interference with Thanksgiving vacation.

    Local Shops

    • Numerous shops throughout Lewiston provide bait and tackle. Camp, Cabin & Home or Blacksheep are popular, though Tri-State Outfitters is by far the largest and best known sporting goods store in town. Many companies offer boat tours of the Snake and Clearwater, and some, such as Snake River Adventures, offer excellent steelhead fishing tours.

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