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Make Him Like Me: How to Get the Guy You Want

How can I make him like me?What am I doing wrong?Am I wasting my time with a guy who just isn't interested?If these are the kind of questions swimming through your head, then it's very clear that you'll benefit from these easy steps to attract a guy's attention.
Step One: Figure Out Why You Like Him If you're asking yourself, over and over, "How can I make him like me?" then you may know why you like him so much.
If it's just because he's cute, then look for additional reasons.
You need to come up with a reason you like him, so that you can move on to step two.
Step Two: Get Ready to Plead Your Case It might sound like common sense, but if you want to get a guy to like you, you need to be appealing to him.
One of the best ways to attract a guy's attention is by looking your best.
So, you need to do all you can to look like girlfriend material.
Wear clothes you know look good on you, and pay special attention to your skin, hair and makeup.
Don't overdo it - guys like a girl who looks real and approachable.
Step Three: Be Confident If you're ready to take action, and finally stop asking yourself that question: "What do I do to make him like me?" you've got to be confident.
Confidence comes from being secure in yourself, and from feeling great about who you are.
You want a guy to like you for yourself - not for pretending to be someone you're not! You're going to need to approach the guy you like, and when you do, you've got to have a plan.
Be prepared to make eye contact, smile, and say hi - and be prepared to give the guy a sincere compliment that tells him why you really like him - that's why understanding step one is so important! Guys love confident girls who are not into playing games - and they love it when a girl is brave enough to come up and talk to them!Stop worrying about "How can I make him like me?" and start taking action.
Step Four: Keep The Conversation Going Once you've gotten past the initial step of starting a conversation, keeping it going might be very easy.
Now, take it past "What can I do to make him like me" and move on to "How can I keep his interest?" If you've taken the time to look good, smell your best, and be prepared to learn all about who a guy really is, then you're just about sure to succeed.
Deep down, even the toughest guy just wants to be sincerely appreciated for who he really is - and if you can do that, you can very easily change that question: "How can I make him like me?" into a new question: "How can I do my best to enjoy a successful relationship?" Take it Slow Once you've got a guy's interest, be sure you take things slow.
Really get to know him, and spend time letting him learn all about who you are, too.
Enjoy the process of growing together - who knows?You might just be on the path toward a wonderful future together.

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