Business & Finance Small Business

Bamboo Sheets In Australia

Bamboo sheets are becoming well known due to the environmentally sound farming practices, strength of fibre as well as its biodegradability. Australia is fast becoming an important importer for all types of bamboo products. This is despite the fact that bamboo grows readily on Australian soil. However we currently don't have the production facilities available to pulp and produce bamboo to turn it into soft bamboo sheets.

Bamboo continues to be looked upon as the newest "wonder plant" and for very good reason. Bamboo has approximately 1500 uses that are noted at this point. Bamboo is highly eco friendly, is 40% less taxing on the environment when compared to a forest involving plantations of exactly the same sizing, and it is tougher compared to metal. No wonder it is used for scaffolding throughout much of Asia.

Bamboo is the fastest-growing woody plant in the world, effective at expanding more than 1 metre each day. Almost all of it is produced organically, and most plantations involve no irrigation, pesticides, or fertilizers. Due to its supreme growth rate, very good physical attributes, low production cost as well as plentiful access, bamboo sheets are more popular now because of their eco friendly nature.

Amazing facts about bamboo sheets:
* Bamboo forestation used only one third of water in comparison to silk or cotton farming.
* Bamboo production uses no chemicals to grow effectively. Cotton however, is the most chemically ridden production plant on the planet.
* Bamboo is tougher than metal and even more tough compared to regular wood. It can be used like a composite, structural supports, ground, scaffolding, housing, as well as real reinforcement. Plus when pulped, bamboo becomes one of the softest fibres available in bedding
* Bamboo's water filtration systems are so well developed naturally, that it doesn't cause earth erosion due to its ability to hold water.
* This plant incorporates a use in every industry - including the production of bed linen Australia.

Bamboo is definitely an amazing bed linen fabric for the Australian market. Material for bamboo sheets is as smooth as silk, more absorbent of liquid compared to silk and cotton, and contains natural antimicrobial properties due to the presence of bamboo kun. As far as bed linen is concerned, bamboo it the hottest bedding item on the Australian market.

If you would love to try out some bamboo sheets, head over to

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