Society & Culture & Entertainment Holidays & party

Basic Pumpkin Cutouts

    Happy Face

    • If you have little children that scare easily or just don't buy into Halloween's spooky atmosphere, happy Jack O' Lanterns are the way to go. The most basic of happy faces consists of smiling eyes, a circular or triangular nose and a moon-crescent smile. Smiling eyes are narrow rainbow-shapes with the curve on the underside of the rainbow forming the eyes' pupils. If your littlest ones want to help with this one, let them trace the lines for you with marker before you cut.

    Sad Face

    • Jack O' Lantern faces often mimic the faces and feelings a ghost might feel, including sadness. With a sad Jack O' Lantern, you have several cutout options. You can simply create an upside-down smile and downcast eyes, or carve a tear into the mix. Downcast eyes look like little crescent moons. You might also create a wobbly-looking hole for the mouth, as if the face is moaning with sorrow.

    Scary Face

    • The scary face is a classic, though most scary pumpkins aren't that intimidating. You have plenty of options for eyes here. Steeply angled eyebrows create an angry face, while smiling eyes create a sinisterly cheerful expression. The mouth may frown, smile or simply open, but the mouth must be full of sharp, pointed teeth. The number of teeth is up to you. Experiment with anything from twin vamp fangs to chompers that rival "Jaws."

    Animal Faces

    • While not necessarily traditional, animal faces have gradually worked their way into basic pumpkin cutout territory. Children and parents searching for non-scary cutout ideas may enjoy creating a cat face with a triangular nose and whiskers, or a doggy with floppy ears. Fowl, like owls and ravens are also autumn appropriate. Other ideas include mythical creatures, like werewolves or dragons, though these may be more complicated.

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