Business & Finance Blogging

Why You Should Add a Call To Action To Your Blog Posts

You might have heard about "a call to action" and thought that this was something only for marketing and advertising content.
Yet if you consider why you write blogs, articles, or marketing copy you'll see that call to actions are important whenever you communicate or connect with your community.
If you want your reader to do any of the following after reading your blog - subscribe to your blog, or newsletter, or sign up to your mailing list, phone or email you, or place an order - you want them to follow through on a "call to action".
Your blog is an invaluable way for you to connect with your niche community.
After spending time & effort creating content, you'd like your reader to take the next step in continuing an association with you.
This article shows you why you should include call to action phrases within blog posts.
Your audience doesn't want to be sold to - your style and approach needs to be collaborative rather than commercial.
However, in exchange for the clear value you provide, many of them will be happy to reciprocate by joining your list, or signing up to receive more content via your newsletter.
What prevents them from doing so is the lack of a clear pathway to join your community.
Many bloggers fail to provide a pathway because they aren't aware that their readers are waiting for them to provide that next step.
Think about the responses that your readers might have from reading your blog and use a call to action to help them.
In other words, a call to action which will progress the relationship whilst giving them the support and guidance they seek.
Make it easy for your reader to see what the advantages and benefits of building a bond with you.
Your blog allows you to discuss topics and issues that concern your target community and offer solutions, or new ways of thinking.
It helps them in their need to "know, like, and trust" you which is key before they decide to invest in your products or services.
With the web technology, it's now very easy for your readers to be taken to the next stage.
Embedding hyperlinks over key phrases within your content means that your blog post can simultaneously offer information and a navigation route - by clicking on the call to action phrase and moving to your contact form, or newsletter subscription, or sales page, they'll be taking action in both senses.
So something that produces a "I'm really interested in what you've written about, I wonder how I can find out more about it...
"internal response, requires a practical response in return - "if you're interested about this and would like to find out more, then complete my contact form and get in touch".
A reader's internal response of "I'm not sure that I've really got a grasp of this topic and I think I need more help" can be anticipated with "I cover this topic in more detail in my free newsletter/ in my forthcoming webinar, click here to subscribe/ to register".
Clearly highlight the benefits of responding and give them the opportunity to connect with you, complete your contact form, enter your pipeline, or even purchase your products and services.
Below, are a couple examples of successful "call to action" phrases you can adapt to help your blog readers to take action:
  1. Before you leave this page, do make sure you sign up to my free newsletter.
    If you liked this blog content, you will benefit greatly from the daily content you will receive, as well as the surprise bonuses.
  2. If you liked what you read on my blog today, why don't you become part of my community? Just Add me to your RSS feed reader and do leave comments.
    I look forward to sharing with you.
Giving your readers something they value and can make use of is an integral part of your blog offerings.
In return, they'll be happy to continue investing their time and interest in you - if provided with the means of doing so.
Savvy bloggers appreciate this need to include call to actions phrases within their posts to further the connection with their community.

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