Society & Culture & Entertainment Holidays & party

Ideas for Colorful Halloween Costumes

Halloween is fast approaching again; this is the time for mascaraed parties and scary balls not just for school activities but also for family gatherings.
Thinking and making Halloween costumes are the best activity to do as the big day approaches.
There is lots of fun and easy to make Halloween costumes these days and most of the items can be found on your own home.
There are also thrift shops that are offering colorful costume ideas at a very affordable price.
Halloween costumes are not just for kids but for the while family.
There are costumes that are available for toddlers, kids, teens, adults even for the elderly so you don't have to worry because there are lots of available options for your specific needs.
There are over 20 costume ideas that are available in the market today, most of them can be done at home if you are on a specific budget.
Here are some colorful Halloween costumes you can make: 1.
Witch - this is an old timer in Halloween event and it is so easy to make.
All you need is a long black long sleeves dress, a witch hat, black shoes, and a broom.
To complete the entire look, you will need a gray make up on your face and a black lipstick.
You can also put make up to make your nose pointed and you may also blacken your teeth if you want.
Dracula - he is also scary and very much needed to complete the entire occasion.
You will need black pants, white long sleeves shirt and black jacket with vest.
You also need a black cape with collar.
A make up with also complete the entire event so you will need a red lipstick that will make you look like a blood sucking creature.
Tom Sawyer - you need to be bare footed while wearing a plaid shirt.
You also need to wear a straw hat and have a piece of straw on your mouth.
By adding freckles to your cheeks you can make your face look dirty.
Become a Genie-you can also look like a Genie using a pair of loose pants that fits on the ankle part and halter the vest to match.
You can also use a colorful scarf and make it a belt.
You need to tie it around your waist.
You need to be barefooted to complete the entire look and to become effective genie.
Look likes a Peter Pan - it will be attractive for kids if you will wear Peter Pan costume.
You can use a dark green cloth that should be above your knees.
You need to wear a jagged hem and sleeves to complete the look.
Costume parties allow you to explore and use your colorful ideas to make the event fun and more exciting.
You can use this event to bond with the entire family during this specific day.
This event comes once a year so a lot of people are very excited in this type of event.

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