Technology Mobile-Cell-Phone

Browsing On The HTC Desire S

Can't stand not being able to check your e-mails and social networking accounts the whole day? Or you just want to browse the internet? Well for the HTC Desire S is more than capable to give to you all of what you need for your internet browsing needs.

HTC Desire S has an internet connection up to 14.4 Mbps download speed and up to 5.76 Mbps upload speed that allows a faster and convenient means to access the net at that speed. It also has Wi-Fi and it has its own HSDPA. Since it has a spacious 3.7 inch screen it makes browsing more enjoyable and clear. HTC Desire S also enables a very responsive and is ensured that multi-tasking won't be a problem, especially for those who have multiple things to do; like browse different sites, while listening to the your phone's mp'3. It also offers to put all your email accounts in one place, because like most people you probably have one or more that email account, which to say is not easy to manage on a phone, HTC desire S allows you to merge them all together into one box so you can see everything simultaneously on the screen of your mobile phone. And don't worry they are color coded so you will know what email is that, and you can sort them by importance, groups, or content. Now who needs a laptop right! You'd be able to do all your work with your mobile phone and you can do it everywhere and anywhere you are. It also enables one to access immediately latest news bulletin since HTC Desire S syncs with Google Reader; you can view straightaway all the news and commentary from your favorite websites and blogs in one place. Like if you found a website that you like then you just have to add it to your reader with one single tap on the RSS icon. Simple as that and you'll always be in the loop when it comes to recent news and happenings all over the world. HTC Desire S also has the feature in which you just have to pinch the screen to zoom in or out. There are already a lot of reviews for this particular mobile phone and as far as it goes, all of it is positive, from its sleek and stylish outlook and its fast, efficient, and responsive applications and hardware. It is truly the new leading model for the HTC sense.

So now you'll be able to use your phone as a regular mobile phone with all its basic functions like; being able to text, call, take pictures, play games, and you could now even also use it as a computer, accessing all of your emails, social networking accounts, and or just browsing the internet, there will never be any dull or boring moments as long as you have you HTC Desire S then you are good to go! All of these function in one package, what more can you truly ask for.

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