Home & Garden Trees & Houseplants

Instructions for Starting Tomato Seeds in Soil

    • 1). Start your tomato plants seven to 10 weeks before the average last frost date in your area. For example, if your average last frost date is April 25, then plant your tomato seeds around February 25. That is so you can set the plants in the garden after the last frost date and there is less chance the new plants will be damaged by frost.

    • 2). Set out the number of Styrofoam cups you need to start the number of seeds you have available. You will plant two seeds in each cup. If you have 24 seeds, for example, you need 12 cups.

    • 3). Make three small holes no larger that 1/8 inch wide in the bottom of each cup using a sharp knife or other tool. This will be for drainage. Tomato seeds and young plants will rot if left sitting in water.

    • 4). Fill each Styrofoam cup 3/4 full of soil. Soak the soil in each cup until the water drains from the cups.

    • 5). Place two seeds in the center of each cup and cover with 1/4 inch of dry soil. Mist the dry soil gently so it can settle around the seeds. Place the cups, with the planted tomato seeds, in a location with the brightest light possible and constant temperatures between 65 and 75 degrees F. Keep the soil over the newly planted seeds slightly moist, but not wet. The tomato seeds should sprout within three to seven days.

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