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How to Upgrade Win98 to Win98se

    • 1). Start your computer with the Windows 98 SE CD in the drive. If your computer is unable to boot from a CD, use the link in the "Resources" section of this article to download a Windows 98 boot disk maker. Insert a blank floppy disk into your computer and double click the downloaded file to make a Windows 98 boot floppy. Start the computer with the boot disk in the floppy drive.

    • 2). Select "Start computer with CD-ROM support" from the menu that appears, and wait for the command prompt to appear.

    • 3). Type "c:" without the quotation marks and hit "Enter."

    • 4). Type "cd windows" and hit "Enter." You should now be in your Windows installation directory.

    • 5). Type "ren win.old" and hit "Enter." With this file renamed, the Windows 98 SE CD will allow you to install Windows 98 SE on top of Windows 98.

    • 6). Type "d:" and hit "Enter." If your CD-ROM drive has a different letter assignment, type that letter instead.

    • 7). Type "setup" and hit "Enter." The Windows 98 SE installation program will launch. Allow it to perform the required system check.

    • 8). Click "Continue" when the Windows 98 graphical interface loads.

    • 9). Click the radio button for "Other directory" when the Windows 98 SE installation suggests a directory to install Windows in. It will suggest a directory other than the one where Windows 98 is currently installed, because it detects that you have a Windows 98 installation present already. Change the directory from "C:\WINDOWS.000" to "C:\WINDOWS." Click "Next." The Windows 98 SE files will be copied to your hard drive, and your computer will restart.

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      Type your user name, then review the license agreement for Windows 98 SE. Click "I accept" and click "Next."

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      Enter your product key for Windows 98 SE, and click "Next."

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      Click "Finish" and allow the Windows 98 SE setup to complete. Your computer will reboot, and Windows 98 SE will load. All of your programs and settings should remain as they were before the upgrade.

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      Right click on the "My Computer" icon on the desktop and click "Properties" to verify that the upgrade was completed successfully. It should now say "Windows 98 Second Edition" at the top.

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