Outdoor Care of Majestic Palm Trees
- 1). When choosing a palm, select one that does not have yellowing leaves, dead spots or diseased areas. Choose a tree from a reputable nursery with well-cared-for plants: your palm is more likely to thrive if it has not been stressed at the nursery.
- 2). Choose a spot that gets full sun at least part of the day. Majesty palms can tolerate some shade, but need sun to thrive. If you live in a very hot or dry area, partial shade may be preferable as roots can dry out easily.
- 3). Pre-water the rootball and plant your palm in an area with average soil and drainage. Majesty palms can be finicky: they like rich soil, but also need good drainage. If you can't provide a rich, sandy loam, choose average soil and monitor your palm's progress carefully.
- 1). Water your majesty palm regularly: do not let it dry out. You may need to check the soil and water more frequently in warmer months. However, do not over-water: soak the soil to a depth of about 1 inch, but do not drown your palm.
- 2). Fertilize regularly with a palm fertilizer. Ideally, you should use a slow-release fertilizer which will not burn the roots. It should have a 3-1-3 or 15-5-15 ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.
- 3). Cut off any dying or diseased fronds with clippers or a small handsaw. Continue to monitor both the color of the leaves and the moisture in the soil to keep your tree healthy.